
Democracy, Tyranny, and Chaos(ZT)

(2007-06-18 23:33:35) 下一個
Democracy, Tyranny, and Chaos.

送交者: gd2 2005年6月08日19:18:33 於 [兒童成長]http://www.bbsland.com
回 答: 嗅覺很靈敏,indeed,沒有的味道都能聞出來 :) 由 c1a2n3a 於 2005年6月08日18:05:29:

The D state does not last forever, nor the other two.

US is likely: D-> T-> C...
and China likely: T-> C-> D...

We had a discussion here a yr or so ago.

Or read "The Republic". :-)


送交者: goodparent 2005年6月09日05:31:46 於 [兒童成長]http://www.bbsland.com
回 答: 解釋一下 由 goodparent 於 2005年6月09日04:17:42:


用gd2 的話來說,美國的循環途徑好像是 D-> T-> C-> D-> T-> C-> D-> T-> C-> ... 而中國的循環途徑好像是 T-> C-> D-> T-> C-> D-> T-> C-> D-> ...



The three states don't have to repeat exactly.

送交者: gd2 2005年6月09日06:39:50 於 [兒童成長]http://www.bbsland.com
回 答: 補充一點(慎入,很枯燥) 由 goodparent 於 2005年6月09日05:31:46:

China has been in T&C cycling for thousands of yrs, without D.

China 1911-1949 was in Chaos, and from 1949 to now in Tyranny(--not back in Chaos yet).
Did someone dispute this with me last yr already?

Even if a Democracy state were established perfectly, it would still eventually die.
Plato didn't say it clearly in his work, but he did all the proof leading to the only
logical conclusion. ("When has any philosopher ever said anything clearly?")

What US is going into next has little scholastic value(it's a pain anyway!). But it has
a lot to do with how a man is to struggle to preserve his family's wealth and life, especially for Chinese
Americans and ABC kids.

As the New "New Deal" seems increasingly likely since my writing last yr, Tyranny is more
likely the state the US is getting into next.

Have a nice day!
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