他們班二十多個學生,想幹什麽的都有。電腦工程師,寵物店老板,馴馬師,醫生,英超聯巨星,作家,家庭主婦,不一而足。不過,共同的特點是每個人都提到了家庭孩子和自己的另一半,大部分都是想象自己有一男一女兩個孩子,有的連名字都起好了,一家人過著正常的生活,除了我家兒子. 這是他寫的.
My 2028
In 2028, at a humble little house on Writer’s Lane in XXX, XX, I was bothered. I had no family other than my maniac dog, Dan and my horde of robots.
Fizzle… Fizzle… Dan had broken N.A.D. (Nerdy Artificial Dog) in a dog fight for who would be snoozing on the couch. N.A.D. as usual had lost. Vacuum… Dust…Mop… Dry…SPLASH! My clean-up droid, that drove me nuts by singing clean up… clean up… everybody clean up… Etc., Etc., Etc.
I felt bored so I sat down at a desk and brought N.A.D. with me. I looked at him… groan… fang marks straight through his head! I called out “Tool box please!” soon enough a robot whizzed by dropping me a tool box. I easily fixed N.A.D. since I had invented him. Dan came to me whimpering and holding his leash. “All right Dan.” I said, “We’ll go for a walk.”
I put on Dan’s leash and opened the door. I walked out toward the sidewalk. Suddenly, a solar powered hovering Subaru sped right over me and barley missed my head. “Crazy driver!” I cursed. I ran quickly to the park.
When people saw me they asked “When is the next Jerry the Menace book coming out?” I was an author as well as an engineer. For my writing life I had created a best selling series called Jerry the Menace out of one of the stories I wrote 20 years ago. I wasn’t a big hit in my engineering, in fact I consider myself lousy at it. Crash! I had crashed into the newly established Albert Einstein Memorial. I felt silly for not looking at where I was going. I was feeling tired so I led Dan home.
When Dan and I got home I opened the door and… Bam! A plate flew and hit me on the head. I saw Dan leap toward my attacker, the clean up droid which had started to sing “On top of mount bloody…” I fell over and landed hard on my face. When I got up Dan had completely had tore my clean up droid into pieces.
In 2028 you sure make some interesting friendships.
He is lovely.
He will out grow it.