光腳博士 的天地



(2019-02-14 04:32:36) 下一個

天天都是情人節,天天都要有人愛,分分都想活的精彩,秒秒時針都飄掛在了情人的心懷。有情人的日子連接著天邊的Cupid愛神,有情人的日子裏永遠上演著Romeo 羅密歐與Juliet朱麗葉的故事,有情人的日子裏天天充滿了愛的戀情歡語。。。


天天都是情人節,時時都能聽到情人的心跳,那是愛戀的振蕩,那是心醉的牽扯,那是情人之間的和弦,是恩愛雲霧的敲打,是真情相守的碰撞。這心跳,這牽扯,這和弦,這敲打,這碰撞,這一路的追隨,拉扯著兩顆合拍跳動的心,承載著無終止的舞曲在天堂,在人間上演著我們天天的情人節。 天天都是情人節,每每在我的禱告中,我都在為著天父的賞賜,感恩於他對世人的恩典。天父把情人給了我們,讓愛的蜜劍射中了我們心中那愛的聖地,讓我們成為了愛的天使,我不禁想說:“我愛你,情人節快樂!”


Every day is a valentine’s day, it is the day that I can spent in day-dreaming, the nights in the fantasy land which my heart beats at a slower pace except when I hear your voice. It is the day that my heart with joy of your heart. 

Every day is a valentine’s day, it is the day that I don’t want to miss every moment of you, it is the day that I want to look up the stars in the sky all night with you. It is the day we become to the twins all our life. 

Every day is a valentine’s day, it is the day that I want by your side to share everything and spend all my land in a place which close to you, where your waiting arms gather me close, and never to let go… 

Every day is a valentine’s day, it is the day that I will not feel whole without you, it is the day that you bring the glorious day when our eyes make contact across to each other, recognize each other instantly with smiles on our faces, with our bodies and souls become to one. 

Every day is a valentine’s day, it is the day, that I set here, speechless and I immediately thanks God as I begin to pray. It is the day, the time that I want to say “ I love you” and “ Happy Valentine’s Day”…

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