
03-29-2007 藤校發榜日 -- 康乃爾趣談

(2007-03-30 18:12:22) 下一個

03-29-2007 5:00PM ET,多少焦急的學生和家長等待這一刻。偏偏康乃爾的服務器出了問題。於是,有了一段精彩的網聊。

nowitis 03-29-2007 05:17 PM
Service Unavailable??? Ahhhhh
I's over 5 PM, but I cannot see the decision. -_-

thegreathal 03-29-2007 05:28 PM
You - guys - ....
Listen, I wouldn't mind an error message telling me to come in 5 minutes, but just to let it crash? Please, a decision!
Hey, did you not expect me to check it :) ?

thedoc07 03-29-2007 05:29 PM
yes service unavailable over here too....not to worry

Gwinnie 03-29-2007 06:29 PM
I've been trying for an hour and a half and it's still not working!!
You would think that they would prepare the server for this kind of use by so many people. Guess not.
Anyone know what to do?

knro8804 03-29-2007 06:29 PM
its really annoying. ive been punching in my id&password for an hour and still cant see the decision. I dont mind being rejected, but plz let me read the decision!!

Falcky 03-29-2007 07:35 PM
I've been waiting for 2.5hours... argh. You can be sure that if I'm accepted into CS I'll make sure their server works better next year ;)

ellemajors 03-29-2007 07:44 PM
All my friends have found out from their ivies. It's just not fair at this point.

f4_luv_89 03-29-2007 07:46 PM
stupid server.
didnt really care but still wanna know

nowitis 03-29-2007 07:49 PM
i'm so shocked at cornell's poor tech....
nobody there can resolve this trouble for 3 hours?

Falcky 03-29-2007 07:53 PM
nowitis: I agree with you. I mean, Cornell is supposed to be a top school in engineering... I can't believe they didn't take measures to prevent those problems... Or maybe this year they had just too many applicants?

Pharmagal 03-29-2007 07:58 PM
It certainly does not bode well on the school's tech dept.
None of the other Ivys had this problem today, only Cornell.

nikolayh 03-29-2007 07:59 PM
the problem is that no one is giving up, everyone keeps trying over and over, and the sites having like 25000 hits every minute...im not surprised

nowitis 03-29-2007 08:03 PM
i'm just curious if 25000 hits at the same time is way beyond control for a decent server...any tech man to answer?

judy1688 03-29-2007 08:10 PM
its working now i just got my decision

thedoc07 03-29-2007 08:17 PM
yep, it works now

codespyder 03-29-2007 08:20 PM
I wait 3 hrs through tech issues only to find out I've been rejected.
This isn't exactly the best day of my life.

Falcky 03-29-2007 08:23 PM
codespyder: I'm really sorry. But I'm sure you'll get into some other great school, don't worry about it.
Guys... I got in! After being rejected from UPenn and Princeton, lol.

Pyrocide 03-29-2007 11:10 PM
mmmm rejection.
rejected from both cornell and harvard in the same day and i couldnt feel more apathetic.
oh well i guess ill just have to go to MIT..... :D

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