
你是破曉的玫瑰 開出早春的 激情與欲望 你那薄如蛾子的絹翼 綴滿音樂和詩句
不知道多少次 我在你的純潔紙張 潑墨揮灑 不在乎路多遠 竟直走入 你溫馨的夜 渾然忘卻你那 熱情四溢的胴體上 有我寫下的詩句 和無奈
我醒著的時刻 你卻象團謎 你是那鮮活的波霸史芬克斯 你花瓣裏的光彩 變幻迷離 好象那個高貴羞澀的婦人 一絲朦朧的微笑 就點亮了房間
航行在血紅的海麵 半鼓的帆旁是顆孤獨的心 我的渴望隨風膨脹 而你幽幽升起 如皎皎的月亮 向我展示美好的 愛之形
秋菱 2005-9-9 譯自作舟: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Shape of Love
You are the twilight rose growing out of early season of fire and desire fine as wings of a silken moth made of music and prose
No matter how many times I have painted on your virgin canvass Regardless the distance I have journeyed into your cozy night And forget the poems I have penned over your burning nakedness & all my human plight
In my waking hour you still remain a mystery a breathing Sphinx with heavy breasts The light in your petals keeps changing color as if a shy lady of class lighting up the room with a discrete smile
Sailing in the maroon sea half-mast & a lonesome heart my ambition grows fat with wind while you rising like a white moon invitingly to be my beacon in the shape of love
:: z.z. 2005
歌曲《Valentine//Martina Mcbride》下載: http://space.wenxuecity.com/media/1185204623.mp3