If I could take this moment forever Turn the pages of my mind To another place and time We would never say goodbye If I could find the words I would speak them Then I wouldn't be tongue tied Will I look them to your eyes We would never say goodbye If I could stop the moon ever arising Day would not become the night Would't feel this cold inside And we'd never say goodbye I wish that our dreams were frozen Then our hearts would not be broken When we let each other go If I could steal this moment forever Paint a picture perfect smile So our story stayed alive We would never say goodbye Ahh............ By Hayley Westenra 《傷別離》 若有時兮如白駒, 載吾魂兮仙之地。 無憂無慮兮, 不複與卿傷別離! 若有詞兮光之燦, 巧吾舌兮花爛漫。 回眸一笑兮, 不複與卿傷別離! 欲飛繩兮係月鉤, 日不落兮樂永晝。 冰釋心田兮, 不複與卿傷別離! 夢兮夢兮如凍土, 心兮心兮堅如鑄。 凝此刻兮與卿別, 攝倩影兮魂魄間。 此生永伴卿側兮, 不複與卿傷別離! (秋菱另類解讀於2006-2-16) *************************************************************** 歌曲《Never Say Goodbye》下載: http://space.wenxuecity.com/media/1179937055.mp3 *************************************************************** |