
The Sun Also Rises by Ernest Hemingway

(2007-01-04 14:43:31) 下一個


I finished reading this book within one week. Mostly, I read it half an hour or one hour before I went to sleep. It is an easy reading. Hemingway is good at communication with simple words and sentences.

The whole book is about a vacation in a small town in Spain, or more specifically,the bull-fighting fiesta. Major charactors include Jake; Brett, who was used to be Jake's lover; Mike, who is a bankrupt and whom that Brett claimed to marry; Cohn, who is a writter and Jew and who Brett once slept with; and a beautiful 19-year old bull fighter, whom that Brett (34 years old) fell in love with at the fiesta and ran away with.

It seems that everybody is looking for love, but it is so difficult for anybody to capture it.

Jake had always loved Brett and was named Brett's true love. But he helped Brett again and again to sleep with other men. I was really shocked when Brett went to him, telling him how much she wanted the bull-fighter. What he simply did was to invite the full-fighter to their table and left them. He was sad, of course. He cried during night times and have trouble to fall asleep.

Cohn, a Jewish, liked Brett a lot and even abandoned his old girlfriend for Brett, although Brett regarded him as nothing but someone she once splet with.What is more sad is that he refused to admit that the relationship between Brett and him was nothing. He sticked around Brett like a fly which Brett tried to avoid and which Mike hated. When he knew that Brett was sleeping with the 19-year old bull-fighter, he rushed into their room and beated the young man almost to death, and it is there Brett threw the coldest words at his face. He was so dead at that moment.

Mike, as Brett's fiancee, namely, saw Brett flirting with Jake, sleeping with Cohn,and then sleeping with the full-fighter and running away with him. He was always drunk. What else can he do?

Nobody thought Brett was a bitch, though. Everybody loved her. She was pretty and casual in sex. She was also looking for true love.

The end is that Brett left the full fighter again because of the difference in ages.Jake went to the hotel where Brett was stuck and took her away.

I like Hemingway's description about the fiesta and the bull-fighting. But what I cannot keep myself from being impressed is the sadness under each line, the sadness of being lost on the way of looking for love.

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