Cold Case 鐵證懸案 第一季(全23集) 相關資料 轉載自 VeryCD  中文名稱:鐵證懸案 第一季 英文名稱:Cold Case Season1 資源類型:RMVB 版本:[YDY伊甸園字幕組出品] 全23集更新完畢 地區:美國 語言:英語 簡介: 【演員】:
Kathryn Morris .... Lilly Rush John Finn .... John Stillman Jeremy Ratchford .... Nick Vera Thom Barry .... Will Jeffries Daniel Pino .... Scotty Valens (2003-) (as Danny Pino) 【內容介紹】:
COLD CASE is a drama about Lilly Rush (Kathryn Morris), the lone female detective in the Philadelphia homicide squad who finds her niche when she's assigned to "cold cases"--crimes that have never been solved. Previously, she used her instinctive understanding of the criminal mind on current murders. Now, she's interrogating witnesses whose lives and circumstances have since changed, making use of today's new science and finding fresh clues to solve cases that were previously unsolvable, all of which appeals to this smart, driven detective. She's also prepared for the consequences: that her work will open up old wounds and may lead suspects to commit new crimes. When she hits a dead end, Rush seeks advice from her respected mentor, Lt. John Stillman (John Finn). Also on the team are Det. Scotty Valens (Danny Pino), Rush's confident and strong-willed partner; Det. Will Jeffries (Thom Barry), who's been around long enough to serve as Lilly's link to the past; and Det. Nick Vera (Jeremy Ratchford), a tough cop who's considered the go-to guy for getting a confession. Rush sees her assignment as a turning point in her career when she decides to make it her business to make sure that no victim is ever forgotten. 在美國費城,有這樣一個凶殺調查組,他們麵臨的案件不是最近發生的,而是幾年前甚至十幾年以前的舊案,這樣的案件,由於發生的時間久遠,加之當事人已經難以尋找,各種犯罪證據幾乎已經煙消雲散,所以調查起來特別困難.這樣的凶殺案,被形象的稱為"Cold Case".
Lilly Rush,作為費城凶殺調查科的唯一女探員,構成了這部以調查陳年舊案為主題的電視劇的絕對核心人物.她的沉著冷靜,機警敏銳,還有她那張纖細蒼白的臉龐,給觀眾留下了難以磨滅的印象.這部CBS電視台從2003年開始播放的電視劇集,直到今天仍然以其獨具一格的魅力在眾多以犯罪題材為主題的電視劇集中獨樹一幟.Cold Case不同於CSI把犯罪調查過程象記錄片似的呈現在觀眾眼前,也沒有眾多當今尖端科技的支持,在該劇中,幾乎沒有任何和CSI類似的關於用高科技分析屍體來尋找線索的場麵,她的獨特魅力在於,憑著Lilly堅韌的性格,她和她的搭檔們總是千方百計的尋找那些至今還健在的當事人,讓那些活在過去陰影中的人們在亦欣慰或痛苦的掙紮中去回憶當年發生的慘劇,把觀眾帶到幾十年前那個不同的世界,讓真正的凶手在各當事人的不同回憶和口供的差異中一點點的凸現出來.而每一次的真相被揭露時,觀眾都會發現一個難以置信的結局,或悲慘,或憤怒,或無奈.但是無論當年發生的罪案如何難以置信,時間的流逝終究會撫平人們的一些悲傷.Cold Case全劇彌漫著濃厚的懷舊色彩和淡淡的憂傷,或者說是 一種女性的溫情,讓你被每一個故事漸漸的感動,從而在心底留下一些觸動.全劇最讓人感動的地方就在結尾處,當真正的凶手被繩之以法後,Lilly總能看見當年死去的人們站在對麵的街角,向她露出微笑,仿佛實在感謝她使冤案得以昭雪.那一刻,再堅硬的心,也會被深深打動的. 下載地址: