2007 (160)
2008 (147)
2009 (113)
2011 (129)
2017 (4)
2021 (3)
2025 (1)
"My grandparents are important to me.without them it`s like climbing a dangerous mountain with one hand."
“my grandprent`s house in China is a black hole of never-ending memories!”
"When I`m there I am never hungry.the kitchen is always filled with pots and pans filled with delicious smells which makes my mouth water like the sea.My grandpa is the best chef ever!!!"
"My grandpa never shouts at me,he always comforts me. I`m like a weak army when I don`t succeed,his encouragement is a tank,giving me morale boost."
"My grandpa misses my mom because she moved to America,He always excited when I go to China."
"She will not shout unless it is needed,and she is always full of sayings. The sayings mean a lot of me, there`s one that gose like this: learn bad,live bad in the future. My mother says this to me especially when I don`t........."
"I miss my grandparents when I go back to America because it is very hard to live in two places. Whenever I think of them I feel strong. I will always love them."