

And I Love You So - by 下裏巴人

(2008-07-07 13:41:52) 下一個

And I Love You So


And i love you so
The people ask me how
How i've lived till now
I tell them i don't know
I guess they understand
How lonely life has been
But life began again
The day you took my hand

And yes, i know
How lonely life can be
The shadows follow me
And the night won't set me free
But i don't let
The evening get me down
Now that you're around me

And you love me too
Your thoughts are just for me
You set my spirit free
I'm happy that you do
The book of life is brief
And once a page is read
All but life is dead
That is my belief

And yes, i know
How lonely life can be
The shadows follow me
And the night won't set me free
But i don't let
The evening get me down
Now that you're around me

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閱讀 ()評論 (3)
xialibaren 回複 悄悄話 謝謝二位!對不起,弄這個頁麵的時候沒有考慮到觀眾席的照明
MaggieG 回複 悄悄話 唱得非常有神韻! 劇場黑了些,嘻嘻............
baitu 回複 悄悄話 你的歌聲真迷人,像醇厚的酒。