Chengliangyu2007-03-20 02:19:43回複悄悄話
In fact, your blog is so far the best blog I ever read and constantly expecting new stuff - seems you have left something only for the VIP members!
I am only having too high expectation on you - my fairy! Didn't mean to hurt you nor the others!
I am only having too high expectation on you - my fairy! Didn't mean to hurt you nor the others!
I slapped u and u splapped all these who tried to kiss your ass!
Didn't mean to be rude - but it is funny!
尤其是 " 命運一不小心 落入輪回的陷井" 一句,實乃意在點醒執迷不誤之人。
這裏的多為應合BBS 上的詩詞遊戲之作 ----以無題戲作為題居多。 在博客裏單獨看,失去了在BBS 上的前後遊戲之語。
You are a Master about spirit - but far from a poet! So, pls don't write such stuff again, no good!