長白山天池 is a volcanic crater on top of a mountain peak, located at the boarder between China and Korea.
Most of the time, 天池 is covered in clouds, invisible from the top of the mountain peak where tourists would stand. 江核心 went there three times and still failed to see 天池. On average, there are about 25 days that tourists would actually be able to view 天池\'s water surface.
We were lucky. In the morning of the day of our visit, 天池 was still covered in clouds. But by noon, clouds cleared up, and 天池 became visible, at least some times.
1. Top of the peak, looking back to the Chinese side:

2. Tianchi in mist:

3. Mist becomes thicker:

4. Mountain peak and tourists in mist:

5. Bored photographer found a new subject to photograph:

6. 天池 showed up! The mountain peak on the other side of the lake never showed up.


8. Another photographer. I do not know why he needs a telephoto lens.

9. Waterfall. The question is: where does the water come from? Well, it is from Tianchi. But the real question is: where does the water come from to replenish Tianchi?

10. Creek

11. 人參果