

(2008-09-20 22:39:25) 下一個

The great Greek philosopher Socrates said, "Let him that would move the world first move himself." Do you ever wonder how certain people seem to be able to accomplish so much more than the rest of humanity? They have no more hours allotted to them than the rest of us. They have the same pressing deadlines, the same personal problems and live in the same world. How do they do it? The answer is far more simple than you think. 

People who accomplish great things have acquired a simple skill, they take action! Yes, that is it, the great secret to success. Most of us mean to start that new project, or mean to finish the task we have been putting off. Great people simply do it! It seems so simple doesn't it? In reality, it takes a series of steps in order to accomplish great things. 

First, it takes a specific type of sense, a sense of urgency. You must attack a given task with passion, with a belief that your positive emotion will convert to success. Focus on how great you will feel when the task is completed and how proud you will be of your accomplishment. 

Second, you must create a specific deadline for the accomplishment of a task. If you do not, it will linger like a bad cold! Months will pass and you will have gotten nowhere. Deadlines put in writing turn the task into a more finite goal. 

Third, divide the major task into workable pieces. When you finish a specific part of a bigger task, it gives you the enthusiasm to go the next step. In other words, a greater sense of accomplishment. 

Fourth, do not let unimportant things interfere with what is most important. The old saying, "We tend to major in minor things" is true. It is easier to spend our day doing unimportant tasks because we get the "feeling" we have done more, when in reality, we have done nothing toward our true life goals. 

Last, but certainly not least, focus on your life dreams and goals. You will get far more done if you realize how it relates to your ultimate success. Konrad Adenauer said, "We all live under that same sky, but we do not have the same horizon." Your dreams should be without boundaries and your actions will know no limit!

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