然而,當醫生檢查他的小雞雞的時候,這人對著媽媽和醫生皺著眉頭用極其誇張的語調和表情說了句雷人的話“I can’t believe this lady touched my private part. NOBODY suppose to see or touch my private part, GOSH!!! You’d better stop it or I’ll tell on you!!!”
醫生聽到這句話後大笑不止,然後對兒子說“Nobody except Mommy, Daddy and doctor can see your private part….”
等晚上我回到家,這小子問我“Do you know what happened today when I was in doc’s office?” 我說咋了,這人說 “you won’t believe it. That crazy lady doctor touched my private part, it is unbelievable!!! GOSH, I do not want anybody to do that!! Man!!!” 憤憤不平的樣子。
體檢結果:身高43英寸56%,體重47LB 80%,視力有一點下降,要注意用眼衛生,少看電視,少打WII和計算機Game,要多遊泳和騎車。