My blog is a message in a bottle with a FedEx tracking number. Hello World .
— Dervala Hanley
剛開博不久,覺得好玩之餘免不了自問 Why blogging?
早有朋友們在各類博客網博性濃濃,我自威然不動。去年底突發神經進駐 wxc 博網算是開博樂。人做一事,必要給自己個理由。一千人開博有一千種風格,卻未必有一千種理由。上網 Google 一下 Why blogging ,跑出 171000 條 link. 假設花十秒鍾訪一條 link 即使不休不眠也要二十天呢。略翻一陣還是敢緊打住吧。
I blog because …
1. 自我主義者
It’s an expression of myself.
It’s pure pleasure.
I’m passionate about too many things.
It extends me in a way that affirms who I am. (Jim Roberts)
It's that voice thing. I love that freedom. (Brian Moffatt)
It’s a place to force me to be more creative, experiment, voice my thoughts and to have fun. (Ron Crumbaker)
2. 功能主義者
to practice my writing
to network with people
to get recognition
to keep track of my research (Anne Galloway)
to connect with persons who share some of my values (Liz Ditz)
The money is good. (Head Janitor of Kombinat)
the hot babes
Information is energy. (Sheila Lennon)
3. 樂觀主義者
to make the world a better place ( Doc Searls)
I can. (Jeneane Sessum)
4. 人文主義者
We cannot live for ourselves alone. Our lives are connected by a thousand invisible threads, and along these sympathetic fibers, our actions run as causes and return to us as results. (Herman Melville)
It’s the humanity I see in a blog that keeps me coming back for more. (Renee Blodgett )
Silence is like death. (Joseph Conrad)
5. 糊塗主義者
I think we all wonder why (Michelle Goodrich)
I can't stop myself (David Weinberger)
6. 消極主義者
A way of dragging me out of my very private shell… and to remain anonymous please (Canadian Com Network Professional)
Seth Finkelstein 對博客的閱讀群有份簡要的分析。
In my view, there are three regimes, roughly: One, few, many.
"One" == Diaries. Some people keep their diary on-line, and don't mind if others read it.
"Few" == Socializing, chatting. The intended audience is close friends, and events only of interest to that circle.
"Many" == Punditry. The goal is to reach as many people as possible with your ideas.
我喜歡在不同的博客裏看到不同的閃光,不同的個性,還有不同的風景。正因如此才成就了多姿多彩的世界。所以我說,博客的真意就藏在 Shel Silverstein 的詩裏
“Put something silly in the world
That ain’t been there before”
但我最喜愛的答案卻是篇首那一句。各位博友以為如何 ?