美國19歲槍手為出名 血洗內布拉斯加州購物中心
倍可親(backchina.com)當地時間12月5日下午2點左右,19歲的霍金斯(Robert Hawkins)手持步槍站在購物中心三樓陽台,開始向樓下的購物者開槍,當場打死8人打傷5人,然後開槍自盡。
槍擊事件發生在內布拉斯加州奧馬哈市西路購物中心(Westroads Mall)。當天,美國總統布什正在奧哈馬市參加一個籌款會,不過他在槍擊案發生前的幾個小時離開奧哈馬。
西路購物中心位於奧馬哈市的西部,附近是中產階層居住區。槍擊案發生時,29歲的克裏妮(Kevin Kleine)正帶著她4歲的女兒購物。“我當時兩腿發抖,驚惶失措不知怎麽辦,所以就跟著人群跑。”克裏妮回憶說,最後她帶著女兒躲進一個更衣間,裏麵還有4名購物者和1名雇員。
槍擊事件發生在西路購物中心的Von Maur店的三樓陽台上。目擊者描述說,槍擊案發生時購物中心一片混亂,許多購物者從Von Maur店中跑出來。一名目擊者說,“當時被眼前發生的一切嚇壞了,簡直難以想象,我當時隻希望上帝保佑我們。”
目擊者克萊默(Jennifer Cramer)說,“我們聽到30或40聲槍響,在我們往外逃跑時,我們看到有些人在電動扶梯上倒下了,還有人在流血。”一家商店的雇員塔圖恩 (Charissa Tatoon)描述說,“我們一開始聽到3聲巨響,隨後就從三樓陽台上傳出一陣槍聲,大約有20聲或25聲。”塔圖恩說,她看到一個男子在三樓上向二樓開槍,至少有4人或5人倒下。
美國有線新聞網和美聯社報導說,據警方負責人透露,槍手持有一把自動步槍,絕大多數受傷和死者都是在Von Maur店內。警方仍在確認死者的身份,並開始尋找槍手駕駛的汽車。
一名當地執法官員透露說,槍手是19歲的霍金斯。案發後,霍金斯的房東在他的住處發現了一個字條,上麵寫著他這樣做是想“出名”。警方負責人說,警方確信此案是霍金斯一個所為,沒有其中涉案者。警方在Von Maur店內發現了霍金斯的屍體,被他槍殺的人分別在二樓和三樓。
媒體指出,雖然警方還沒有給出霍金斯的作案動機,但據了解霍金斯的人透露,一年前在被家裏趕出來後,霍金斯住在一位名叫馬魯卡(Debora Maruca)的朋友家中。馬魯卡說,在霍金斯剛來她家時,他非常內向。後來,馬魯卡在霍金斯的房間發現了一張自殺字條,上麵寫著他將不會再成為馬魯卡家的負擔,“現在我將會出名”。
CNN: Mall shooter's suicide note: Now I'll be famous OMAHA, Nebraska (CNN) -- A 19-year-old gunman who police said killed eight people and then himself at a Nebraska mall left a suicide note predicting the shootings would make him famous, his landlord said.
Five other people were injured, and two of them were in critical condition, hospital officials said.
The shootings inside the Von Maur department store at the popular Westroads Mall in Omaha sent panicked holiday shoppers fleeing for cover.
"It was just so loud, and then it was silence," said witness Jennifer Kramer, who hid behind a clothing rack. "I was scared to death he'd be walking around looking for someone else."
Police identified the gunman as Robert A. Hawkins of Bellvue, Nebraska.
Chief Thomas Warren of the Omaha Police Department called the shooting "premeditated," but said it "appears to be very random and without provocation."
Debora Maruca Kovac, Hawkins' landlord, said she found the suicide note after getting a phone call from Hawkins about 1 p.m., just minutes before the shootings. Video Watch landlord describe phone call from shooter ?
"He basically said how sorry he was for everything," Maruca Kovac said of the note. "He didn't want to be a burden to people and that he was a piece of s--- all of his life and that now he'd be famous."
She said Hawkins was a friend of her sons and "reminded me of a lost puppy that nobody wanted." He came to live with her about a year and a half ago, telling her he could not stay with his own family because of "some issues with his stepmother."
She described Hawkins as well-behaved, although "he had a lot of emotional problems, obviously."
Maruca Kovac told the Omaha World-Herald that Hawkins showed her an SKS semiautomatic Russian military rifle the night before the rampage, but she wasn't alarmed.
The shootings began about 1:42 p.m. (2:42 p.m. ET).
Seven people were found dead at the scene by officers who arrived six minutes later; two others, a male and a female, died after being transported to Creighton University Medical Center, said Fire Chief Robert Dahlquist.
A Creighton spokeswoman said a second female underwent surgery and was in critical condition Wednesday afternoon.
Three other people were taken to the University of Nebraska Medical Center.
One, a 61-year-old man who sustained a chest wound after being shot in the armpit, had surgery and remained in critical condition in the intensive care unit Wednesday night, said hospital spokeswoman Maggie O'Brien.
The other two -- a 34-year-old man who was shot in the arm, and a 55-year-old man who fell and struck a clothing rack as he was trying to escape -- were treated and released, she said.
Warren said Hawkins was armed with an SKS assault rifle. His body, and the weapon, were found on the store's third floor, he said.
Maruca Kovac told CNN that Hawkins left the house Wednesday about 11 a.m., and called the house about two hours later, sounding upset.
"He just said he wanted to thank me for everything I'd done for him ... and he was sorry," Maruca Kovac said. He told her he had gotten fired from his job at a McDonald's restaurant, she said.
"I said, 'Come home and we'll talk about it,' " she recounted. "He said, 'It's too late.' He said he'd left a note explaining everything."
Kramer told CNN she heard at least 25 shots. Video Watch witnesses describe the ordeal ?
"I looked at my mom and said, 'We need to get out of here. Those are gunshots,' " Kramer said. "I just grabbed my mom and we ran to the back of the men's department and hid in some pants racks."
"He just kept firing," she said. She said she called 911 on her cell phone, whispering into it out of fear of being heard. A dispatcher told her other calls had been received and help was on the way, but she said it seemed to take "a long time" for them to arrive.
She said as she was being escorted out by police, she saw a man lying injured by the escalator where she had been previously.
Mall employee Charissa Tatoon said a man by an escalator near her was heard saying he was calling 911. See a map of where the shooting took place ?
"Immediately after that, the shooter shot down from the third floor and shot him on the second floor," she said.
"All of us were slightly confused because we didn't know what it was," Tatoon said. "Immediately after that, there was a series of maybe 20 to 25 more shots up on the third floor."
Warren, the police chief, said the victims included five females and three males, not including Hawkins. The shooting appeared to be contained in the Von Maur store, he said.
"We believe there was one shooter, and one shooter only," he said. Video Watch police talk about the shooting ?
Maruca Kovac said Hawkins' mental state seemed to be improving but he had been through a rough patch recently.
"When he first came to live with us, he was in the fetal position and chewed his fingernails all the time," she said. But she said she thought he was improving, as he had gotten a job, a haircut and a girlfriend.
However, she said Hawkins and his girlfriend had broken up in the last couple of weeks, and he had taken it hard. Then he got fired from McDonald's on Wednesday.
She said late Wednesday that authorities were searching her house for evidence.
"My kids are devastated," she said. "We're all in shock."
A school district spokeswoman said he attended Papillion-La Vista High School until he withdrew in March 2006. The World-Herald said he later earned his GED.
President Bush had visited Omaha on Wednesday before the shooting.
"The president is deeply saddened by the shootings in Omaha," White House press secretary Dana Perino said. "His thoughts and prayers are with the victims and their families."
The shooting was at least the fourth at a mall or shopping center so far this year, following incidents in Salt Lake City, Utah; Kansas City, Missouri; and Douglasville, Georgia.