
something about shelter... from craigslist...

(2007-08-31 10:27:21) 下一個

>Animal control picks ANY Dog off the street. It goes in a cage and has several >days to be claimed for it's put down.

This statement is NOT true. They DO hold animals for 5 days in which they are able to evaluate their health and temperament. If their owners do not go to claim them they put them up for adoption as long as they are healthy and friendly. By law they CANNOT adopt an aggressive dog.

>Animal control does NO Testing of the reactions from dogs towards humans.

Here you are wrong again, they do and if they are aggressive and the owners DO NOT claim them, they have no other choice than to put them down. They never give these dogs to rescue groups. They cannot risk their employees either.

>Family Dogs don't usually end up at animal control, Good Family dogs have tags >leading them to the owners, Family dogs are Part of the family and are well >taken care of they at the very least have a tag or microchip. Animal control >Notifies the owner they have their dog charge a fine for picking it up loose >on the street. Hence that's why they call it animal control because they are >controlling the stray animals.duh!

Again, you are totally wrong, do you have any idea how many "family dogs" end up in Animal Services? Many!!!! Sometimes they get lost and lately MANY are "owner surrender"

>Animal controls Lives for giving pet owners fines They have quotas to fulfill.

Wrong again! Wow it looks like you have no idea what you are talking about! Animal Services do charge for dog tags as the IRS charge taxes or the Department of Motor Vehicles charge to register your car. They have a budget from the county and they also receive donations. Also the only way people will stop to make mistakes and mistreat an animal is with a fine just like the police do when you run a stop sign!

>The Humane society is where animals no longer wanted are taken, or Some old >lady dies and the only thing left is the dog. Its goes to the humane society. >Your cat had kittens .You'd take them to the humane society. THE HUMANE >SOCIETY DOESN'T KILL DOGS they ADOPT THEM OUT Call them and ask them yourself.

Wrong again! They DO KILL animals! I've been there and I know they do! When you call that is what they tell people but the sad reality is that they DO KILL. For your information, since they do not take ALL the animals, they have a "waiting list" if you want to give them your pet.

>Also take notes on this,
>The humane society Test the dogs they give it to ENSURE the safety of the new >owner Animal control does not, nor are Rescue facility’s under any obligation >to this either.

Once again, you are wrong! The Humane Society and the local shelter are 2 DIFFERENT things. They DO NOT take in ALL THE ANIMALS IN THE CITY while the local shelter HAS to take in anything from birds to dogs to cats to ducks to turtles, ANYTHING!

Honey, next time instead of writing this type of statements, THINK TWICE and get better informed!

I am a very well known, respected and admired person in this community for my involvement with animals, I've been invited to several TV and Radio programs for my knowledge about animals so I know what I am saying. Before getting involved in any animal situation, I do a search to get all the information I need.

Remember, search before speak!

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