Bouncing Ball

Life is like a ball. When you hit it harder, it will bounce higher.

Role model for a single parent

(2007-10-05 12:18:12) 下一個
I understand that for a single dad or single mom, we are concerning so much about role models because we only have half of the model. The other half is empty. However, how could we fill the other half?
I would like to say that parents are the most effective models for their kids. As a single dad and single mom, the kids will learn a lot from us. They will learn our diginity, virtue, caring, determination, courage and altitude of life. I am doubt about the effectiveness of a boyfriend or girl friend of a single dad or mom. In my opinion, sometime the role model of a boyfriend and girl friend will be not good. In most cases, a boyfriend or a girl friend would like to please the kids and buy some gifts or satisfiy kid's every desire. Kids will think that the benefit for mom or dad to have a friend is such. It is mind contamination.
Usually, in kids' mind, dad and mom's positions are difficult to be filled by other person. This position could be filled only after a long period of time after a happy marriage. In the dating period, the effectiveness of the role model of a boyfriend or girl friend is very limited. In kid's mind, most likely against the other party unconsciously, although kids may indulging the gifts and treats from the other party. If the single dad or mom dates frequently, it is not good for kids. If a mom or dad changes boyfriends or girlfrields frequently, it will damage the virture of kids. As a single dad, I believe that the virtue of the single parent is ultimost important. Kids will learn by observing, feeling and ineracting with us. In any case, we should not neglect kids' needs. We should not polute their mind.
Kids will definitely against any too obvious affection behavious except for their dad and mom. In their view, this is disgusting.The image damaging would be devastating.
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