Bouncing Ball

Life is like a ball. When you hit it harder, it will bounce higher.

Happy Halloween

(2007-10-31 20:22:50) 下一個
Today is Halloween, Amy's happiest day. She has been counted how manydays left for Halloween since last week. When I asked what costume shewould like to wear, she wanted to be a princess. I went to a storeyesterday to buy a princess costume for her. It was great that thecostume was 75% off. I got a bargan.
Last year, I took Amyout for trick and treat. That was the first time I took Amy to ourneighbour for trick and treat. She got three bags of candy altogether.She was excited about that experience.

I picked up Amy after school at about 5:40pm. She was playing in playground when I came to her school. Usually, she would come home at about6:00 pm or later; however, today she came back home right away when Iasked her to go because I told her that it was time for trick and treat
When I was driving home, I saw kids were walking around for trick andtreat. I took Amy home and she put on her princess costume and grabedtwo bags and went out for candy. The first stop was my neighbour. Wesaid "Happy Halloween!, Trick or Treat?". Amy was very brave. She wenthouse to house whenever the light was on in front of a house. If therewas no person in front of door giving out candy, Amy just went to thedoor and shout "Happy Halloween!" and wait for the host to come out.

There were several very spooky houses we visited. I was scared by oneof them; however, Amy said she just feel a little scared by it. I usedthis event as good situation for me to practice to speak. I said HappyHalloween to every body. I feel it is much easier for me to say it thisyear than I did last year. I am really improving my speech in everyaspect.
    Finaly, Amy got tired. She asked me to pick up. Ipicked her up and put her into my neck. She jumped down when she saw ahouse. She is very energetic when she is excited. She will not feeltired in such situations.
She put some selected candy into asmall bag for her friend in her class. She also wanted to save somecandy for her birthday which is about 4 months later. She is very cute.
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