Bouncing Ball

Life is like a ball. When you hit it harder, it will bounce higher.

Amy cooked fry eggs

(2007-10-03 19:23:22) 下一個
A five year girl cooked fry eggs almost all by herself.
After I picked up Amy from her school this evening, we went back home. Amy told me that she feel hungry. I asked what she wanted to eat. She said she wanted to have fry eggs. Actually, she wanted to cook fry eggs. She has done it several times before. Every time she cooked the fry eggs, she ate a lot.
I remembered once I was cooking fry eggs, amy wanted to help to crack the egg.  She tried very carefully, however, the egg fell on floor. He hand is very stable usually, howver, this time she was so nervous to do the job. She simply can not control her hand. There is a period of time she did not want to crack eggs any more.
Two weeks later, I wanted to cook eggs again. I asked Amy to help me to crack eggs. At first, she was reluctant, later she agreed to give a try. I showed her how to crack a little at first, then split the egg from this little crack. She could not make the little crack at first, so I did the crack and then she split the egg. She did it. She splitted all the six eggs without problems. She gained some confidence of cracking eggs.
Several days later, she wanted to cook eggs again. This time I taught her how to make the initial little crack. At first she did not want to do it. However, I encouraged her to try. I told her if she did not try, she would never learn. If she tries many times, she will succeed. She understands pretty well because I already told her many times when I took her to skating, swimming, playing hulahup, riding bicycles etc. She tried and she did it. Sometime she felt she could not do it, she just hand it to me and let me to do it.
After she cracked all the eggs into a ball, she asked me to give her salt and chopsticks. I handed her a bottle of salt and two chopsticks. She put a little bit of salt in the bowl and started to stir with chopsticks. When she have beaten the egg yolks, she asked me to put some oil into the fry pan. She noticed that each time I put oil into the pan before, so she understand procedure. She is a very good observer. After I put some oil into the frying pan, I turn on the stove. She was eagerly to pour the beaten egg into the pan. When I saw that the pan was heating up, I told Amy to pour the eggs into the frying pan. She did it perfectly without spill anything. Then she asked me for a spatula which was used for stiring frying eggs. I handed her a silicon rubber spatula, she started to use the spatula to stir. When all the eggs were changed into solid, well cooked, she asked me for a plate. I took the fry eggs to a plate. She asked me to give her some soy sauce.on her plate. She ate half of the fry eggs!
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