Bouncing Ball

Life is like a ball. When you hit it harder, it will bounce higher.

Tuesday Morning Pray

(2007-10-23 13:57:58) 下一個
Two weeks ago I met a man in the park when I was doing morning exercise. We had a nice chat. He told me that there is a Tuedsday morning pray in a Covenant church. It is a multicultural church. The pray time is 5:00am to 6:00am. I am curious about this activity. Why do people like to get up at 4:00am to get together in a church to pray? I wanted to have a visit.
Last week, I got up at 5:00am and drove around to find the church. I did not find the place because I did  not have a map in my car. I met the man again last week and we talked about the event. I decided to have a visit this Tuesday. I got up at about 4:30am and went out of my home at about 5:00am. I drove to the church at about 5:15am. I saw about 30 cars outside the church. I thought it must have more than thirty people praying inside the church. I met a man in the parking lot. He was also a first time comer to this event.
When I entered the church, I found that the prayers here are all man. There are black people, white people and I am the only people from East Asia. Two persons were on the podium. One was playing music instruments and the other was singing and praying. I could not understand his pray quite well; however, I could see that the prayer in the church were very sincere.
After a while, I was asked to go to front to form a circle for pray. At first, one person prayed for the city the Church belongs to. It is  a very poor neibourhood. The man is praying for revitalizing the city. There were three men prayed for the city, for city's development, school, to gain morale value, to improve city's education system etc. The prays are well meand and pretty inspirational. Then another person was volunteered to pray for family, then another person was praying for ourselves. My impression that the men who were coming to the morning pray are very special. They are determined to have a good impact to the community and the neibourhood.
We should not tell people by color, race etc. There are so many black people I met are very intelligient and perseverance.
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