Bouncing Ball

Life is like a ball. When you hit it harder, it will bounce higher.

How did I overcome stuttering (ZT)

(2007-10-16 09:49:19) 下一個
How did I get over my stuttering.

I think that it was my wife that helped me get over
it but it was without ever talking about stuttering.
It was instead a process where things seemed to get
slowly better. She has two attributes that really

The first is that she is a positive person and never
sees things in a negative light. If we go somewhere
and the store is closed she will pick a new errand
and simply change tasks instead of going home
disappointed. It a glass breaks she simply accepts
it and does not get upset. This is in sharp contrast
to my upbringing which made life into one crisis after

Her second trait is she is a spiritual person and
sometimes prays for others. While this is not in
vogue today I think it really helps.

In summary the best advice I can give is to accept the
stuttering and get on with your life. Try to be
positive. I think that the more you concentrate on
it the worse it will become.

The advice I would give on living with someone who
stutters is to be as accepting as possible.
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