Bouncing Ball

Life is like a ball. When you hit it harder, it will bounce higher.

Birthday reflection

(2007-09-22 20:40:35) 下一個
Every parent remembers his/her kids birthday well. Do you know how many kids know their parent's birthday?
Frankly, I did not know my parent's birthday. I wrote them down and memorized many times. However, I still could not remember my parent's birthday. What's a shame!
I called my parent's last week to fill up DS-156 form for them. I asked them about their birthday. I asked about their parent's bithday. They did not know either.
Why we can not remember out parent's birthday? They never had a birthday celebration.  I did not remember my father and mother had a birthday celebration ever.
Today is my birthday. I have go through half of my life. I did  not have a big birthday celebration. I did not have a birthday party. However, I bought a cheesecake for my birthday. My two daughters sang happy birthday to me. I feel joyful. There are so much of my past coming back to me. I could not help to call my dear friend to share my feelings with her. Unfortunately, she is not available. I left a message to her. I hope she could call me back. During these two years, probably about one thousand hour of phone conversion, she has been part of my life. I would like to say I love her.I could not afford of her leaving. However, I should face the reality. No matter what, her love will remain in my heart
I went through my life from a little kid to present. I found I have so much to be pround of. I did not cease my struggle for good, for improvement even for a single day. I am a persisit, courageous man. I am always do my best for my kids. There are so much I should be thankful. Thanks God for my everything.
My mind started to drifting.  I still have so much to say. However, I have to stop now.
This is my prayer:
Thank you so much, heavenly father, my lord. Thank you for show me the way and give me the guidance.  I do not ask for  earthly things. I just ask you to give me the guidance, show me the way. I will put my effort to fulfill your purpose. I know that the problem I face today is a test of my faith, a test of my courage and persistency. I will be stronger each time I overcome a problem. Thank you so much for everything you give me. Without you I just a piece of clay. I pray for everybody who helped me, showed loved to me, for their great, joyful future. I pray in Jesus name. Aman!
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