Bouncing Ball

Life is like a ball. When you hit it harder, it will bounce higher.

Stutter For Sale

(2007-09-12 19:43:31) 下一個
I have been stuttering since I was a little kid, probably around 4 to 5 years old. My stuttering is not so significant during my childhood as I remember. The only bad thing I remember is that I was teased sometime by some naughty kids by imitating my stuttering. As much as I can remember that I teased my cousin who is a very severe stutter, when he was visiting my family. I did not if this is the cause, but I really remembered that I had teased him. As I remembered clearly that there were more than five kids in my villiage developed stuttering sympton for a while. Some even carried on the stuttering for several years. Howver, all of them eventually out grow the problem. I remained as a person who stutters (PWS). In my life, I am always struggling with my speech. I speak very little most of the time. I could play with other kids very well. I know that my stutter is always a problem of me. Howver, I think I have a very happy life during my childhood. I have the determination. I was always the top student in my class, school and county. I believe partly because the stutter had me more resiliant and determined. I always have a fighting habit. If I have a goal in my mind, I will get it with effort. If the current effort is not enough, I will double, triple the effort to make it done.
I did not went to any formal speech therapy. During my childhood, I did recieve many good advises. However, I did not follow them. If I have my current understanding of stuttering, my stuttering problem would be gone a long time ago. Here, I want to talk about one prescript I got when I was a child--Stutter on Sale!
You may hard to imaging that how you can sell stutter. It really does work. I think somebody may have tried before and succeeded. 
The prescript is like this:
At a rainy, gloomy day, a PWS could take a gong and to out to street to shout "stutter for sale". He should be bold, fearless. His voice should as loud as possible. He should do it two hours in the morning and two hours in the afternoon. If somebody came out and asked for it, you could sell it to him. At that point, you will be a normal person, the other person who bought your stutter would become a PWS.
It seems full of myths., right? If we take the myth away, it reveal a very important way of stutter. The cause of stuttering is primarily fear, embarassment, and shame, nervous. When you are shout in the street "Stutter on Sale!", you are directly attack the core of stuttering. One a PWS get rid of the fear, embarassment, shame, nervousness associated with speaking, he will be relaxed, and confident. Powered with the possitive feedback, he will go up and finally get rid of the problem.
Wisdom sometimes buried deep into some seemingly nusance
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