茶葉蛋2005-05-11 21:31:41回複悄悄話
You are now conn-------nnected to my blog.
茶葉蛋2005-05-11 20:13:09回複悄悄話
Hi Seagirl, am I 5 yrs old? Oh noooo... I typed my birthyear as 0, then that number just came out. My actual age is 21.4667 years old, or 7840 days. hee...
cutepizza2005-05-11 19:55:59回複悄悄話
Don't leave, we will all miss you
海姑娘2005-05-11 16:01:47回複悄悄話
混吃等死, hehe, I don't like eat meat.
海姑娘2005-05-11 16:01:18回複悄悄話
sorry I just went to your blog, you only 5 years old and from alaska? so cold place, hehe , you are very interesting
海姑娘2005-05-11 16:00:05回複悄悄話
茶葉蛋, yes, currently I always updated my blog.
hehe, I won't go freqently to the forum, as there is too mess, but I will always post something on my blog. USA, that countrry I have lived in 2 years, which state you come from?
Name: Tegg
Age: 21
Gender: female
Astrological Sign: Sagittarius
Zodiac Year:: Boar
About Me: Roses are red, violets are blue. Sugar is sweet, and so are you.
hehe, I won't go freqently to the forum, as there is too mess, but I will always post something on my blog. USA, that countrry I have lived in 2 years, which state you come from?