
我是一個簡單的女生,一個喜歡大海的女生. 如果我們是知己,也許我們可以一起去海邊走走,看看,聽聽海的聲音.


(2005-04-21 05:32:43) 下一個
 1. What's the biggest thing in the world?     2. David and Barbara were found dead in a room that had an open window. On the floor, there were pieces of broken glass and a puddle(潭) of water. How did they die?     3. What is that from which you take the thing away and still have some left?     4. Why is the letter “b” like hot fire?     5. Which looks taller, the car or the train?     6. Why are we always tired on the first day of April?     7. What makes a road broad (寬的)?     8. What may be pronounced quicker and shorter by adding (加上) syllables to them?     9. What kind of animal will become larger when its head is cut?     10. A doctor gives you three pills (藥丸) telling you to take one every half hour. How long would the pills last?
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