Grown Up
(2006-12-12 14:23:56)
This is the first time to write about Jabb, my daughter, who is 2 year old now. I think it's about time to keep something for her and she can read it when she grows up. Meantime, we are forgetting things so quickly and can't remember what exactly happened to her before.
About two weeks ago, when Jabb watched TV and saw somewhere flooding with water, she screamed out, "Big water", which was really funny.
Jabb pulled some hair from her head. I asked her to put them into garbage can. She said,"No garbage, Jabb hair", and then put back on top of her head.
Jabb would say "God bless you" when we are sneezing or coughing, obviously she has a little idea about the usage, but doesn't know exactly.