

1月17日  周三晴

(2007-01-16 19:33:25) 下一個



I washed many underwears and socks in this morning, and listened ABC radio on lione.

Sometimes I want to work hard to English but I don,t know how can I do, read articles listen radio, try to write something,,,,,, and even talk with myself by English. but I don,t think there is some effect.

who can understand what I wrote?

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化妝水 回複 悄悄話 靈馨:您可甭忽悠我了,If I write my dairy all in English,那懂英語的人看了還不笑掉大牙啊,,,我還是慢慢來吧。
化妝水 回複 悄悄話 Jimmyneutron: Thank you very much,I will do as you said.
化妝水 回複 悄悄話 紫色蝴蝶:1月20日出發21日到東京啊,日本現在很冷吧,鬱悶啊,看櫻花是不行了。
靈馨 回複 悄悄話 hehe,I can understand what all you said, go ahead ,my girl, you do make a biiiig progress, you can write your dairy all in english, come on!!
jimmyneutron 回複 悄悄話 Basically, I understood what you just wrote.
Nobody can speak good E in one day. Just be relaxed and use the E in your everyday life, then after a while, you will discover that your E has been improved…
Remember, you are the best and you can do whatever you willing to do!!
紫色蝴蝶 回複 悄悄話 哈哈,化妝水,什麽時候來日本玩!