


The Fallacy of little mind

(2009-12-21 08:04:33) 下一個
Some “guru” in WXC promoted a notion that because USD is a reserve curruncy, because USD has a large percentage in Euro Dollar circulation, that US can print at its wish to cause inflation in other coutry without same occurs in the US.

Boy, what a little mind that does not even understand how financial world works.The assumption of that conclusion is that other countries are dumb, that other governments are incapable. Well, he(she) never travelled to other countries to see the prosperity happened in Asia, Latin America and now even in Africa.

In reality, the large amount USD in Euro dollar circulation is exactly where the problem is. Sure, temprarily that oil is still traded in USD that create the demand of Euro dollar. But the fact is that emerging coutries are in preparation to shift oil trading currency to a basket of currencies including gold.

This is reported by reputed and trusted British news reportor, Robert Fisher at:

So what if oil started to be traded in basket of currencies? The answer is, the demand for USD will drastically decreased. Those Euro Dollar will come to home to roost: chasing goods and services to cause hyper inflation.

The sooner US government and FED devalues its currency, the sooner other countries will shift its reserve to some tangible things, The sooner other countries will start to trade oil and commodity in their own currencies (which is demonstrated by China’s currency swap with its key trading partners.

USD as the reserve currency status has to be nurtured, not abused. Those little minds can not even comprehend it (or they mislead the crowds in WXC because they feel their real estate investments were depend on inflation).

We will just wait and see that to happen.

Forgot to make a note: Euro Dollar is the USD circulated in foreign bank account.
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