
【ZT】That Place in Your Heart (BY 貼貼玩)

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一程歌 回複 悄悄話 回複米蘭的評論:

嗯, 還是米蘭妹妹好, 乖乖地坐在椅子上聽, 周末愉快!
一程歌 回複 悄悄話 回複jerryus的評論:

ds~~ 又跑到LAS VEGAS 腐敗去了, 我把歌詞抄好了放在沙發上, 你坐的時候把它拿起來不就行了:))
米蘭 回複 悄悄話 既然沙發不讓客人坐,自己弄把椅子坐一坐吧,把心留駐...嗬嗬...周末好...
jerryus 回複 悄悄話 程歌有個壞習慣,老自己搶沙發。。橫,dsssssssss......
jerryus 回複 悄悄話 很好聽的歌,歌詞也很美,不知道為什麽,覺得她的曲調有些哀傷。。。現在窗外是bellagia的美麗的噴泉,聽不見歌聲,好像是為這首歌在伴奏一樣。。。
一程歌 回複 悄悄話 [al:Anthem]
[ar:Ronan Hardiman]
[ti:That Place in Your Heart]

walk with me
break some bread here with me
Why can't you live with me?
Who are you?
what did i do to you?
Wish i knew
Why cannot i live with you?
We are all born the same
Then we seperate
Then the world falls apart
and blame turns to hate
we must not contemplate
how far apart we are
there is always a way
to that place in your heart.
Hated one
Just put down your gun
done is done
why cannot we live as one?
feel no shame
the air we breath is the same
heal the pain
why do we live in vain?
We are all born the same
Then we seperate
Then the world falls apart
and blame turns to hate
we must not contemplate
how far apart we are
there is always a way
to that place in your heart