
【問候KD久違了的朋友們】Love is All (Marc Anthony)

(2007-05-01 19:00:08) 下一個

Love is All (Marc Anthony)

When you hold me like this
so many memories fill my eyes
the first time we kissed
the times we nearly said good-bye
but still here we are
tested and tried and still true
and stronger than we ever knew

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Love is all
the laughter and the tears that fall
the mundane and the magical
love is all
all is love
the careless word, the healing touch
the getting and the giving of
all is love
there's a me you've always known
the me that's a stranger still
the you that feels like home
and the you that never will
but still here we lie
tender and trusting and true
with everything that we've been through

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All the glory
all the pain
all the passion
that turns to ashes
only to rise again

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一程歌 回複 悄悄話 lili~妹妹也來了呀, 哈哈~~, 沒問題, 來我這聽歌, 棒棒糖管夠:))
lili~ 回複 悄悄話 欣賞Marc Anthony醉人的歌聲和這浪漫溫馨的美帖...

也來一起分享jerryus 的冰棒和程歌的棒棒糖:)))

一程歌 回複 悄悄話 jerryus MM, 獎你一顆棒棒糖過周末吧:))
jerryus 回複 悄悄話 這個醜醜的Marc Anthony唱的歌都是很好聽的,無怪乎他能抱得Jennifer Lopez美人歸....人的外貌不是重要的,內心有實力比較重要啊!喜歡他的好多歌,很多時候聽他的歌都有心醉神迷的感覺.......喜歡這個美帖.....棒棒棒.....送一堆冰棒給你.....