
轉身在現實與後現代之間.這裏的我,有一點殘酷,有一點瘋癲. 或者是最真實的我

Communist and Christian

(2004-12-11 16:56:25) 下一個

How a Communist becomes a Christian

I will examine the mechanism and cause letting a Communist convert to a Christian. This should be a topic within the field of Politics and Religion.

I will argue that the political life in China has strong influence on the convertion process. Say, in US, the Chinese look upon religion, or church, as a channel to be social. This is also the function of CCP in China, giving a chance to ppl to unifiy, to be social, and to be cared. Then my hypothesis is that for a people who is more actively involved in the CCP, he/she will also be more actively involved in religious service in US. (I limit my respondent to the students or scholars come to US after 1995 and were born after 1970)

To conduct such a research, i have to make a very good and careful questionaire, also examine the function, organizational structure of Communist Party committee on grassroot level in China. This research will also include some psychological theories and convertial theories which I need learn or read now.

I also need to carefully select and define my cases...but this is really an exciting topic. Only limitation is that my dataset may be not large enough.



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