

(2009-06-30 07:55:56) 下一個

“ 蓮花河畔景苑”13層樓倒塌事件發生後,公眾普遍對該樓盤開發商的資質、背景表示質疑。互聯網上甚至有網友貼出所謂該樓盤開發商上海梅都房地產開發有限公司(以下簡稱“梅都房產”)的注冊登記記錄,以顯示該公司的實力根本不足以承建“蓮花河畔景苑”的開發項目。為此,本報記者對相關信息進行了核對,除證實“梅都房產”的最新注冊資本金為人民幣1800萬元以外,還發現該公司的股東中出現了和梅隴鎮鎮政府現職公務人員相同的姓名。



















實地走訪——“梅都房產” 注冊地被多家公司“共享”

據工商登記查詢係統顯示,“梅都房產”的注冊地位於閔行區莘朱路968號,營業期限從1995年12月12日至2015年12月11日,為國內合資的有限責任公司。該公司注冊資本和實收資本均為1800萬元人民幣,經營範圍是房地產開發(涉及許可經營的憑許可證經營)。但在記者試圖前往該公司的注冊地進行采訪時,卻發現莘朱路968號的門口並沒有“梅都房產”的公司銘牌,反而顯示這裏是上海迅豪置業有限公司辦公地。就連門口的保安也稱,在此工作了一年多從來沒有聽說過“梅都房產”的存在。事後,記者查詢了相關資料,竟然發現莘朱路968號曾被多家公司在工商部門注冊登記。其中,除了“梅都房產” 以外,至少還有上海海迅置業發展有限公司、上海古龍置業有限公司和上海迅豪置業有限公司等三家公司。特別值得關注的是,上海迅豪置業有限公司的法定代表人闕敬德也是“梅都房產”的投資股東。

股東身份——第二大股東 和梅隴鎮鎮長助理同姓名








“蓮花河畔景苑”的一名業主向晨報記者提供了一個上海規劃和國土資源網網頁鏈接,該網頁標題為“閔行區羅陽河畔小區詳細規劃”,並有一張 “上海羅陽河畔小區詳細規劃圖”。從這張規劃圖的範圍來看,這名業主認為與現在的“蓮花河畔景苑”所在位置一致。該業主提出,在該規劃圖中標注的住宅樓樓層與目前“蓮花河畔景苑”的住宅樓樓層層數並不一致。昨天,記者就羅陽河畔小區規劃的情況詢問了上海市規劃和國土資源管理局,至截稿時對方沒有給出明確答複。





闕敬德, June 27, 2009 collapse of the building owned Shanghai Mei developers are one of the shareholders of real estate, home Xun Hao legal representative, Meilong Incidentally, also known as the Assistant Mayor闕敬德. I do not know if by chance the same name, or this is one. Netizen said闕敬德(net unethical) in the context of a large town Meilong. Xun Hao\'s home all the items of special approval by the Government. Shanghai Xun Hao Xin Zhu home in Road No. 968,闕敬德Court in prominent families. Travel at a press interview, has not been able to contact their people. In addition to闕敬德, the plum real estate are the shareholders and the government officials the same name, there are many phenomena.

Lotus Garden River 13-storey building collapsed after the incident, the public generally the quality of the real estate developer, questioned the background. Internet users even posted the so-called real estate developers in the real estate development on both Jaime Limited (hereinafter referred to as all real estate-mei), the registration records to show the strength of the company simply can not build sur Lotus Garden of development projects. For this purpose, this reporter had to check relevant information, in addition to confirming that all real estate-mei, the latest registered capital of 18 million yuan, but also found in the company\'s shareholders and Meilong a town government serving the public service the same name.

According to information came to light, said Mei real estate there are 24 shareholders. Among them, the legal representative張誌琴, work units are Meilong town government;闕敬德from another major shareholder of Shanghai Xun Hao Properties Limited, including Que included, a total of 14 shareholders from home Xun Hao; another Meilong three shareholders from the town of land offices, a shareholder from the town of land management Meilong; Other shareholders minhang animals from the Centers for Disease Control. Only one unit is the work of the shareholders are the real estate plum. In addition, Shanghai Lotus Garden River contractor Construction Co., Ltd. Shanghai Xin public also have the two people are the real estate plum shareholders.

Mei are the property of a shareholder, investor張耀傑of 225,000 yuan, Chung-yan and the legal representative of the construction of the same name; Mei are the property of shareholders, Xu Daoan Yellow Pages and navigation enterprises in Shanghai Lotus River Garden documented property management companies -- - Xun Mei Shanghai Property Management Limited, the legal representative of the same name. Not only related to the company\'s shareholders and the main responsible persons of the same name. Mei is one of several real estate Meilong shareholders and also the management of town government units under the same name responsible person. Meilong Town, Liang Zhang Jin, director of land services and Mei are also shareholders of the same name in real estate.

Same name more than one person

27, Minhang District, Shanghai, Lotus River Garden a building under construction collapsed, related to 9 were primarily responsible for control of government departments together; and on the network, initiated by the users for the real estate developers human flesh search is a further escalation. A document called the Shanghai Lotus Garden-sur-date information on the collapse of real estate exposure, the material will be Jaime developers are all the Real Estate Development Company Limited and its shareholders all of the exposure status. In this material, the mayor of the town of Minhang District Meilong assistant director of land acquisition firm, Meilong assets, such as the title of general manager of the company appear in the list of major shareholders.

Mei is the major shareholder of the real estate exposure is not related to the above-mentioned data show the same shareholders, of which the names of several shareholders also Meilong Town, Minhang District, is indeed a number of government departments, staff of the same name. However, the press has failed to contact several twists and turns to persons involved in the material; Minhang District, the Propaganda Department of the Information Office of the relevant committee told reporters that at present the relevant departments are still in the Lotus Garden River for investigation of the collapse, it is not clear whether the above-mentioned shareholders related to the staff of government departments.

Government Information Office of Shanghai Minhang District, the latest development of the incident circular said: continuous monitoring data show that the rest of the above-mentioned district were housing security; relevant departments buyers also continued to receive counseling, Minhang District, has effective control of the current developers and other related related personnel and funds, and to continue at the scene to communicate with buyers.

Among them, the 闕敬德 not only in the MEI are the list of shareholders of real estate and home buyers in the fast-ho at the post of legal representative; Mei are the property of the other shareholders, investors張耀傑of 225,000 yuan, it and the public Welcoming the legal representative of the construction of the same name; Mei are the property of shareholders, Xu Daoan Yellow Pages and navigation enterprises in Shanghai Lotus River Garden documented property management companies - Shanghai Xun-mei Property Management Limited, the legal representative of the same name.

Journalists in the survey also found that both real estate and Xun-mei hao home business management share the same registered address; and Business Administration in accordance with the registration data, the town of land Meilong Xun Hao home office or a direct investor -- March 27, 1996, is funded firms Meilong town land and 9.6 million yuan Meilong Industrial Company co-founder of the fast-ho home. Not only related to the company\'s shareholders and the main responsible persons of the same name. Mei is one of several real estate Meilong shareholders and also the management of town government units under the same name responsible person.

Minhang District, Shanghai Chinese Communist Party Committee published an open network Meilong Town, Towards action plan for 600 days the Expo, General Command members, Mayor Meilong assistant general manager of the assets of the company\'s name is also called 闕敬德; Meilong town levy to firm director Zhang Jin Liang and Mei are also shareholders of the same name in real estate. It is worth noting that, based on registration data, as of March 31, Mei all real estate for 18 million registered capital,張誌琴amount of 11,587,500 yuan investment,闕敬德amount of 2.7 million yuan investment, and the remaining small shareholders in the capital Inter-一二十萬.

User Exposure】 【a shareholder only work units are real estate company from Mei

The above-mentioned information came to light, said Mei real estate there are 24 shareholders. Among them, the legal representative張誌琴, work units are Meilong town government;闕敬德from another major shareholder of Shanghai Xun Hao Properties Limited, including Que included, a total of 14 shareholders from home Xun Hao; another Meilong three shareholders from the town of land offices, a shareholder from the town of land management Meilong; Other shareholders minhang animals from the Centers for Disease Control. Only one unit is the work of the shareholders are the real estate plum. In addition, Shanghai Lotus Garden River contractor Construction Co., Ltd. Shanghai Xin public also have the two people are the real estate plum shareholders.

After the publication of the above information, the identity of闕敬德further human flesh search. Some Internet users報料he was Meilong Town, Minhang District, assistant mayor, the town at the same time Meilong assets and the company\'s general manager of the operation and management. At this point, Mei are real estate, home Xun Hao, Yan construction of three public companies, as well as relevant government departments Meilong town has relevance in the matter Fangzhong.

【】 To verify the identity of all parties can not be contacted

From the public as a result of the same name, in order to verify the situation, Daily News reporter contacted yesterday by some shareholders of the above. Unfortunately, after several twists and turns reporter did not contact with them. During the interview, Chung-yan told reporters construction workers, the legal representative of張耀傑are currently under investigation.

Meilong Town, land office staff said that exposure of materials listed in the HE Bin, FU Lei, who is currently or relocation to the rural sector, or have retired; director Zhang Jin Liang is currently busy relocation services; and its not clear whether such persons are at the same time the real estate plum shareholders. They immediately requested the staff to the above-mentioned list, please be sure their contact with reporters to clarify whether they are property for the shareholders of MEI. However, as time, the above links are not journalists.

And this incident, another key shareholder and plum are the names of the same real estate Meilong Assistant Mayor闕敬德, was removed yesterday in a press interview, he was unable to contact their people.

News and advice on the matter杜躍Shanghai law firm杜躍level ping, ping杜躍told reporters, according to relevant laws and regulations, the state public officer from serving as corporate shareholders, so as not to impede the operation of the market is fair and impartial. The land office, the town government, town, such as asset management companies and real estate development a certain degree of correlation. If the staff of these institutions is indeed confirmed Mei shareholders are real estate, rent-seeking can not help but suspect there will be power.

However, these are the real estate plum and Meilong shareholders under the town government departments, enterprises and institutions and staff responsible for Chong Ming events, remains to be further verified. Minhang District Committee Propaganda Department of the Information Office of the relevant sources, at present the relevant departments are still in the Lotus Garden River for investigation of the collapse, it is not clear whether these shareholders for the relevant government department staff.

Field visits - Mei are the property of registered companies to be shared

Business registration system, according to inquiries showed that all real estate Mei is located in the registration Xin Zhu Road, Minhang District, No. 968, operating period from December 12, 1995 to December 11, 2015 for the domestic joint venture limited liability company. The company\'s registered capital and paid-up capital of 18 million yuan, is a real estate development business (relating to operating permit based on the operating permit). However, in an attempt to press the company\'s registration to carry out an interview, they found Xin Zhu Road, No. 968 at the door and there is no all-mei real estate company nameplate, it shows that this is home Hao Xun Co., Ltd Shanghai office. Even in front of security, also known as, in this work for more than a year had never heard of all real estate Mei existence. After that, press inquiries, the relevant information revealed that Xin Zhu Road, No. 968 had been a number of companies registered in the business sector. Which, in addition to Mei are the property other than, at least Shanghai Hai Xun Estates Development Limited, Shanghai Co., Ltd. and Shanghai home Gulong Xun Hao three companies and other realty ltd. Of particular concern is that home ownership Co., Ltd. Shanghai Xun Hao闕敬德is the legal representative of all-mei real estate investment shareholders.

Shareholders - the second largest shareholder and Meilong assistant with the name of the town mayor

Obtained at a press conference, plum are real estate company registration information showed that the company is investing a total of 24 natural person shareholders from its investment 112500-11587500 yuan range.

Which, in addition to accounting for 64.375 percent funded ratio of major shareholder holding張誌琴, the capital of 2,700,000 yuan of all real estate-mei, the second-largest shareholders were particularly noticeable. This is because, the name of the man闕敬德, not only at the same time as Shanghai Xun Hao Properties Limited\'s legal representative, but also in the Minhang District government website, 闕敬德 also has more than its current name of public service posts.

In accordance with the time to sort, Minhang District government website on the 闕敬德 were described in the information include: 1,2002 years (the prosecution) of the original land services director Meilong闕敬德investigation to the crime of dereliction of duty, to recover money stolen goods economic losses and more than 1327 dollars ; 2,2003, the闕敬德land in the town Meilong access services in Minhang District in 2003 merit competition practical key projects of advanced individual recognition; 3,2007 years, has been appointed闕敬德as Meilong Town, Minhang District, the demolition action command, deputy commander-in-chief, the Shanghai-Hangzhou maglev project construction (Shanghai Section) Minhang District Command Office of the Working Group Meilong ... ... on 闕敬德 Recent information indicates an official in Minhang District public affairs network, on the site on February 11 this year released Meilong town on the establishment of the Towards World Expo 600 days action plan, General Command of the notice in a clear display, 闕敬德 posts as mayor assistant general manager of the company assets.

At the same time, journalists in the Morning are real estate-mei, a list of the remaining shareholders, but also found and 闕敬德, as relevant government agencies and Minhang District, the public service of the phenomenon of the same name.

In order to clarify the above-mentioned list and repeat the names of civil servants are classified as accidental, the reporter repeatedly yesterday afternoon to try and Minhang Meilong contact town government check, but did not receive a positive response to the relevant departments.

Special work to bring better times but have not yet been fundamentally containment. To this end, the requirements of the relevant units to increase the quality of re reinforcement project, commissioned by the strict implementation of the construction unit testing and witness sampling detection system to further enhance the quality of management at the scene reinforced. Notice that the city establish and improve the quality of the normal number of more qualified enterprises, suppliers of serious violations of laws and regulations of the blacklist and inform the exposure system, the construction enterprises should promptly adjust the list of qualified suppliers to prohibit the use of substandard building materials.

Note Floor Planning icon floors inconsistent with reality

Lotus Garden River of one owner to the Morning News reporters Ti Gongliao and Yi Ge Shanghai network of land and resources planning and Web links, the page entitled River District Minhang District, Luo Yang detailed planning, and a cell-sur-Shanghai Luo Yang detailed plans. From the scope of this plan, this is the view that the present owner of the Lotus Garden River the same location. The owners in the plans to mark the floor of residential buildings with the current River Lotus Garden floor low-rise residential buildings is not consistent. Yesterday, a press area on the River Luo Yang asked about the planning of the Shanghai Municipal Planning and Land and Resources Administration, to the date when the other side did not give a clear answer.

Reporter in the owners to see the page, the page entitled River District Minhang District, Luo Yang detailed planning, the date of Web Publishing for February 28, 2005, web content on the River District Minhang District, Luo Yang detailed planning approved, the symbol for the approval of the Shanghai Planning (2005) 154. Approval date of February 2005, approval authority is Shanghai Urban Planning Administration Bureau. The scope of planning: East on蓮花路, protective green belt south of the north Dianpuhe, Luo Yang Road south, with a total land area of about 4.23 hectares, were approved in the show, the plot, the population of 1670 persons planning. Living construction to multi-storey high-rise residential and small-based control of building height of 40 meters.

There in the pages of a plan, mark the Cell-sur-Luo Yang Shanghai detailed plan - the total floor planning and the bottom marked Meilong Town, the old village site on the 26th reconstruction project, there is a handwritten map Marking the Luo Yang River is a plot of suspense. According to the owners of web links that this plan from the area marked by the scope and now the Lotus Garden River the same location. However, the owners in the plan, the house icon marked 11 and 6 the words, at the top right there are small high-rise residential, multi-storey residential, the legend; Legend also marked There are 11 and 6 the words, the owners believe that this figure should be the number of residential floors.

Shanghai Modern Architectural Design Group, Senior Engineer Mr. Meng plan carefully read the introductory post, if this is indeed the drawings in detail for the Luo Yang River area plan, then the record of the planning drawings and is now planning the scope of the Lotus Garden River location is consistent.

In reading the general layout plans, said after the Bangladeshi workers, Legend plans of the number 11 and 6 is that the design of residential buildings in the floor, so according to plan, the district a total of 10 residential buildings, which 8 to 11-story high-rise, two 6-storey multi-storey. Map marked with red line land use planning,防汛牆Dianpuhe from a distance of 50 meters. For the planned 11-storey, 6 layers are now turned into a 13-storey, Bangladesh Public Works, said: A developer may be approved in this plan after the second trial, please change the planning and, if so , that the approved changes in the relevant departments should have the record. Another possibility is that private developers to increase the floor, and that part of the increase will not be able to handle the normal production, and to the competent authorities will be subject to punishment. Bangladesh workers concluded by saying that the floor to increase the number of foundation and foundation to be redesigned. Rescue operations to achieve the initial target, the next step to carry out housing testing and accident investigations
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