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11-22-06 | |
中國公路事故8名學生喪生 (Eight Children Die in Road Accident in | |
中國官方新華社報導,一輛運送學生的公交車在中國東北地區從橋上墜落,致使8名學生死亡,9人身受重傷。 新華社星期二報導,事故發生在中國黑龍江省距離哈爾濱市50公裏的地方。出事的公交車上大約有50名學生。
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China's official Xinhua news agency says eight children were killed and another nine seriously injured when a bus carrying students plunged off a bridge in northeast China. Xinhua said Tuesday that the crash happened about 50 kilometers The Chinese news agency said initial investigations showed the | |
中國回應歐盟貓狗皮交易禁令 (China Reacts to EU Ban on Dog, Cat Fur) | |
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China is stressing its commitment to the protection of animals, in response to a plan by the European Union to ban trade in cat and dog fur. China's Foreign Ministry said Tuesday that torture and cruelty against cats and dogs was not widespread in China. The ministry said awareness of protecting animals has been on the rise in recent years. On Monday, the European Commission announced plans to outlaw the |
黎巴嫩領導人呼籲對傑馬耶勒被暗殺保持冷靜 (Lebanese Leaders Urge Calm |
悼念者聚集現在比克費亞,傑馬耶勒的靈柩已經被送回他在比克費亞的家中。黎巴嫩取消了原定星期三獨立日的所有慶祝活動。 國際社會譴責這次暗殺行動。美國說這次暗殺是對黎巴嫩民選政府的恫嚇。 傑馬耶勒是兩年來在黎巴嫩被殺害的幾名反敘利亞政治人士之一。敘利亞否認與暗殺事件有關。 |
Lebanese leaders are urging calm while the country observes three days of mourning following Tuesday's assassination of an anti-Syrian cabinet member. Industry Minister Pierre Gemayel was shot in a Beirut suburb in Mourners also gathered in Bikfaya, where Gemayel's coffin was The international community condemned the assassination. The Gemayel is the latest anti-Syrian politician to be assassinated |
中國環境問題 (China - Environment) |
中國官方媒體說,盡管中國政府努力改善環保,但是排放到中國河流和湖泊裏的汙染物質今年還是有所增加。《中國日報》援引中國國家環境保護總局的一份報告說, 中國在2006年上半年工業廢水排放量為120億噸,比去年同期上升了大約2.5%。
China's state-run media say the amount of pollution discharged in China's rivers and lakes has increased this year, despite government efforts to improve environmental practices. China Daily, citing a report by the State Environment Protection Administration, said that China produced more than 12-billion tons of industrial waste water in the first half of 2006. That figure is up around two-and-a-half percent from the same period last year. The environmental agency attributed the increase to the country's |