常用術語 ZT
(2007-01-11 12:08:08)
ACH: Automated Clearing House, 電子轉賬
AMEX: American Express
APR: Annual Percentage Rate
APY: Annual Percentage Yield
BBB: www.bbb.org or Bed Bath and Beyond
BOA: Bank of America
BT: Balance Transfer
BVG: Best Value Guaranty
CC: Credit Card, Circuit City
CD: Certificate of Deposit,定期存款
CL: Credit Line, Credit Limit
DD: Direct Deposit
DPR: Daily Percentage Rate
ED: Emigrant Direct
GC: Gift Card, Green Card
IMHO: In my humble opinion
ING: see www.ingdirect.com
IRA: Individual Retirement Account
Emigrant: www.emigrantdirect.com
MC: MasterCard
MM: Money Market
PR: Permanent Resident
RP: 人品,credit history
YMMV: Your mileage may vary