活錢存哪裏?(1/17/2007 updated) ZT
(2007-01-11 12:06:00)
Presidential www.presidential.com 4.50% $1000 min & DD JHQ 3-8
Savings or MMA: see http://www.fatwallet.com/t/52/437553/ for current rates
UFB Direct www.ufbdirect.com 5.31% $0 min
AmTrust www.amtrustdirect.com 5.30% $1 min $1K open
AMBOY www.amboydirect.com/premiumsavings 5.25% $1 min
Presidential www.presidential.com 5.25% $0 min$35K max JHQ 3-8
E-Loan www.eloan.com 5.25% $500 min $5K open JHQ 3-43
GMAC www.gmacbank.com 5.10% $500 min JHQ 3-4
EmigrantDirect(ED) www.emigrantdirect.com 5.05% $1 min JHQ 3-3
HSBC www.hsbcdirect.com 5.05% $1 min
Citi www.citibankdirect.com 5.00% $0 min & checking
WAMU www.wamu.com 5.00% $1 min & checking
(open Free Checking, the one with free wire,
you can see that special online offer - 5.00% savings )
CD: see http://www.bankrate.com/brm/rate/high_home.asp for current rates
Treasury Products: www.treasurydirect.gov
Not subject to state/local income tax.
To calc equivelent CD rate Rcd=Rtrea*(1-Tfed)/(1-Tfed-Tstate)
T-Bills: JHQ 3-42
Rate changes every week, good replacement of 1/3/6 month CD
see http://wwws.publicdebt.treas.gov/AI/OFBills for recent auction results
see http://www.fatwallet.com/forums/messageview.php?catid=52&threadid=588518
for more information.