

(2007-05-27 08:13:14) 下一個

This morning I had a stroll in my neighborhood. I saw a dog pee and then I had 我的十萬個為什麽--動物篇..
Since there are many scientists and talented mothers in this community, I decided to post my questions here.

1. Why does a dog like to lift a rear leg when it pees ?
2. Why does a crane stand on one leg while it sleeps?
3. Why does a cat like to cover its shit with sand or earth? Hehe, this is a question ever since when I was a child.
4.  Why does a rooster sing in the early morning? I know that some time I sing in the bed in the morning when I am happy. Is a rooster happy? What about hen?

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閱讀 ()評論 (3)
bigbigfish 回複 悄悄話 嗬嗬,謝謝imagine45和阿蘭的絕妙答案。
大魚早晨唱歌是因為tdyd 我還活著!!!
阿蘭拿我調侃,請問是什麽樣的生存過程中形成的條件反射導致公狗抬起腿撒尿? 為什麽不見公牛公馬公豬抬起腿撒尿? 嘿嘿。
-- 不恥下問的我
imagine45 ,家裏母老虎折騰了一晚終於睡了,公雞興奮的歌唱,我終於得手了,噢~~~~~~
阿蘭 回複 悄悄話 大魚的這些問題好聰明呀~

1. Why does a dog like to lift a rear leg when it pees ?

3. Why does a cat like to cover its shit with sand or earth? Hehe, this is a question ever since when I was a child.
貓cover its shit是不想讓別的能危害他們的動物尋跡跟蹤而來~

2. Why does a crane stand on one leg while it sleeps?
水鳥類盡量 stand on one leg----not only while it sleeps---替換單腳站立在水裏是為了讓一隻腿保持體溫~

4. Why does a rooster sing in the early morning? I know that some time I sing in the bed in the morning when I am happy. Is a rooster happy? What about hen?
公雞睡覺時做了個夢,他被黃鼠狼給吃了,當一覺醒來發現自己沒死,不由自主地高喊一聲,tdyd 我還活著(wowowohuoliaoooooooooooooo)~~~



imagine45 回複 悄悄話 1. Why does a dog like to lift a rear leg when it pees ?

3. Why does a cat like to cover its shit with sand or earth? Hehe, this
is a question ever since when I was a child.
貓側相反----cover its shit盡量不要嚇到別的小動物----覓食艱難呀

2. Why does a crane stand on one leg while it sleeps?
水鳥類盡量 stand on one leg----not only while it sleeps---單腳可節省體溫
4. Why does a rooster sing in the early morning? I know that some time I
sing in the bed in the morning when I am happy. Is a rooster happy? What
about hen?
公雞and I ==like to sing not only early in the morning---為了追女仔呀---而
-----天亮前老鷹還看不清地麵,and 家裏母老虎折騰了一晚終於睡了-------是約會好時