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我在少年時代就找到了自行車上苦行與快樂的平衡。一路上盡力向生理和心理的極限衝刺, 到家後我的感覺真是心曠神怡、無言形容。 要領會崇高意境,就得有一個苦與樂的折衷: 在自行車上, 在大自然母親的懷抱中, 飄飄然然,進入仙境。
In my teens, I found the point where suffering on the bike became pleasure. Pushing myself to physical and mental extremes I arrived home elated. To find the sublime there is a balance where elements of pain and passion become equal: on a bike, pedalling in the environment, a human being can find divinity.
Team Sky's Michael Barry. In his book Le Métier, meaning "The Profession"