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stillthere (熱門博主)
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Lucky Icebiker

(2007-12-05 16:21:49) 下一個
By  David P. lucky icebike

We got about 4" of snow yesterday and traffic was bumper-to-bumper and barely moving as everyone tried to get out of downtown Saint Paul after work.  Just as I was getting ready to leave the office I got a call from a friend.  His first words were "did you bike today?"  I hesitated before admitting that I had, thinking I was going to get a lecture on how bad the roads were and how I shouldn't try to bike home.  Instead he said "man, you're lucky!  I've been sitting in traffic for over 1/2 hr, and I've only gone about 2 miles.  Some guy on a bike passed me about 20 minutes ago and I'm sure he's home by now."

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stillthere 回複 悄悄話

Thank you! QQ:

When he's talking about biking he meant bicycling, pedaling, spinning... never ever meant motorbiking at all;-)
虔謙 回複 悄悄話 騎樂騎友遍天下哈, 這位好象是騎摩托的?
問好! :) 周末好!