作品: Counting Crows
地點: 4th Street SW夾13rd Ave
作者:Evelyn Grant (畢業於ACAD)
簡介: ““Counting Crows” is based on a traditional English rhyme, which was used to predict ones fortune according to the number of crows seen. The rhyme is presented in circular fashion, printed on the inlaid tile at the base of the piece. Pictorial symbols are also represented to enhance the piece: mirth (the sun, with the logo of the Coney island amusement park), happiness (the eight of hearts), gaiety (the nine of clubs), a new moon (n new beginnings), and of course, the pointing fingers counting the crows.” By Evelyn Grant.

作品: 不詳
地點: 4th Street SW夾13rd Ave
時間: 不詳
簡介: 不詳

作品: Angel Heart
地點: 4th Street SW夾20th Ave
作者:Errol Lee(畢業於U of C及ACAD)

作品: Brick Couch
地點: 4th Street SW夾18th Ave
作者: Brian McArthur, Dawn Detarando
簡介: Brick Couch是由1100塊手工燒製的磚塊構成的,與4th Street 的傳統磚結構建築風格協調一致.

作品: Tree House
地點: 4th Street SW夾18th Ave
作者: Rick Silas
簡介: The Tree House village is an idea I came up with as a way to use the forked section of poplar trees. I start by carving dozens of cubes from a thick cluster of bottom branches and then start detailing out buildings. This is a natural for Fourth Street with so many lovely structures around the community to work with. By Rick Silas.

作品: Hand Signals
地點: 4th Street SW夾15th Ave
作者: Derek Besant

作品: Starting Fourth
地點: 4th Street SW夾17th Ave
作者: Garry Jones
簡介: Starting Fourth is a group of seven figures clustered together to create the impression of a crowd with a purpose. It says, in a whimsical manner, that apart from slight surface differences, all people are cut from the same mold By Garry Jones.

作品: Scene and Heard
地點: 4th Street SW夾19th Ave (後麵是個中餐館”Peking Dragon”)
作者: Terry Gregoraschuk
簡介: Four cows and a dog amble south along 4th Street. The 5-foot high cows are constructed of steel, which will rust over time to resemble the warm, rich colour of Hereford cattle. The 2-foot high dog is made from stainless steel, offering a glittering contrast to the rich brown of the cows. The artist chose the animal theme as a traffic-stopper and a reminder of Calgary\'s Cowtown image. Many hours of grinding and polishing were required to create the final images.