
3 Trinity

(2007-01-03 08:00:20) 下一個
1. Flood must be very scary: it lasted for 150 days. 
2. Jesus was baptized. (Do you still think you don't need to get baptized to be a Christian?) Mat. 3:16-17 is the one and only place in the entire Bible that three persons of trinity are together. (Devil in Juan De Flandes's painting is lovely, especially his horns :)) I bet devil has read through the Bible many many times, more than we do.
3. David called for God's help. We should do all the time.
4. Separate myself from the wicked.

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閱讀 ()評論 (11)
-凡凡- 回複 悄悄話 荒漠甘泉 01/03
耶穌所經曆的苦難使他成為最好的牧者。“他知道我們的本體,思念我們不過是塵土。”他每時每刻體恤我們;不讓我們走一步過於我們力量的路。前麵一程雖然有些難行,但是盡可放心;因為他不是加力量使我們得以安然過去,定是吩咐我們突然止步。--- 感謝耶穌!跟隨耶穌,我們就可以不憂愁,而有永遠的平安和喜樂!
-凡凡- 回複 悄悄話 創世記 5:1-7:24
5章: 自己的一個小發現:自從亞當活到930歲死了後,人類曆史上隻有3人的壽命超過了亞當。這三人都在聖經中提到是與“與神同行”有關的。 他們是:與神同行的以諾的爸爸活到962歲還有以諾兒子活到969歲,後來的挪亞也是“與神同行”,他活到950歲。以諾本人是沒有死,“以諾與神同行,神將他取去,他就不在世了。” 因為罪的原因吧,人類的壽命越來越短了,這是事實!


馬太福音 3:7-4:11
耶穌的開路先鋒約翰為耶穌施洗,耶穌受洗後,聖父、聖子和聖靈在聖經中唯一一次同時出現----“耶穌受了洗,隨既從水裏上來。天忽然為他開了,就看見神的靈,彷佛鴿子降下,落在他身上。 從天上有聲音說,這是我的愛子,我所喜悅的。”


詩篇 3:1-3:8
--“你耶和華是我四圍的盾牌。是我的榮耀,又是叫我抬起頭來的。。。。我躺下睡覺。我醒著。耶和華都保佑我。 ”

箴言 1:10-1:19

-凡凡- 回複 悄悄話 每日靈修 -- 01/03: http://blog.wenxuecity.com/blogview.php?date=200709&postID=33076
寒江雪~ 回複 悄悄話 To:提摩太 -謝謝!看得出來,主在你心中!:)

問候~蓑笠翁: 新年快樂!萬事如意!
提摩太 回複 悄悄話 God didn't *punish* human being and creatures with flood, He actually wiped them out. Cruel? Maybe. Justice could be cruel, to the guilty. :)
寒江雪~ 回複 悄悄話 Matthew 4:7 -Jesus answered him, "It is also written: 'Do not put the Lord your God to the test.'
- Like this sentence. Both trust and confidence are very important to succeed in everything!

Question for the flood:
- As 提摩太 said, "Flood must be very scary: it lasted for 150 days." - Why God chose "Flood" to punish human being and creatures? It's too cruel...
~蓑笠翁 回複 悄悄話 Ah oh. It seems that I went too far:))) I guess I need to have a rest today in order to be synchronized ......:))
