

(2013-12-26 09:20:05) 下一個


Why I should have a Computer. By: xxx

Have you ever wondered why people want a computer?  Have you ever wondered if kids want have computers instead of just playing games and chatting with others on a computer? Well, I know why I should have a computer. Come along to see my point of view of why I should have a computer. 

First, I think I should have a computer so I can type essays or note pages. It can help my grade for neatness. Typing can also make it a lot faster to do the essay or homework.

Second, my teacher can give me a specific website to do homework on. My teacher might say to go on Study Island to practice my math and get some ribbons so my class can win the Study Island Contest. He might even put math problems on his blog.

Also, I might have a group assignment that I need to do by emailing others.  I might email them ideas of thing or a picture. It can be very helpful to email others because you can’t use a phone to give someone a picture or something.

Next, there might be an essay that I need to research about. I might need to research about a person named Henry Hudson that I don’t even know about. It can improve my researching skills and where I should look for the most information.

Last, having my own computer can make me not bother others at home that have a computer and are using it. They might need to do something important like paying the bills and I can keep on bothering them so I can use a computer. It can frustrate others and not make them do work.

These are the reasons why I should have a computer. They can be very reasonable or not reasonable but this is why I should have a computer.

我這一邊看一邊忍不住笑得眼淚都出來了。 晚上,人把每天應該做的事也流水賬似的都羅列出來寫成另一篇。

想知道結果如何? 這不,

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