

(2006-10-02 16:47:50) 下一個
隻有那些從來沒在美國生活過, 工作過的人, 才會覺得美國的稅比加拿大底得多! 你知道美國的聯邦個人所得稅有多高! 你又知道美國SMALL BUSINESS的稅比加拿大要高多少! 你又知道美國人均醫療保險是多大的一比開支! 你可知道美國的County Tax 有多高, 美國有些州的地稅又有多高. 再看看你在美國是不是能向加拿大一樣每人將近$9,000年收入不用交稅.(本人並非要貶低美國. 美國也有很多稅收減免, 比如家庭, 房款利息都可抵稅. 美國是個偉大的國家. 但是加拿大也是一個偉大的國家. 美國和加拿大都有很多值得互相學習的地方, 兩國的稅率也不是差別那麽大).

經濟方麵, 遠的不說, 近幾年加拿大的經濟一直是7國中發展最好之一. 加元持續上漲就是最好的說明. 加拿大貿易月月盈餘; 財政月月盈餘! 你倒是說了句實話, 加拿大的體力活機會很多, 你可知道來美國的華人有幾個沒有打過餐館工! (本人並非看低餐館工, 隻想說明, 這都是工作)...我很高興加拿大和美國有那麽多的機會.

如果你是說加拿大的失業率高於美國, 說明你還太膚淺. 問問你周圍有見識的人, 美國的統計標準和加拿大的有什麽不同. 問問為什麽在美國你幾個月如果不找工作就不再把你算入統計之列...

加拿大的工資真是那麽底, 還是你的水平差, 還是你們昧著良心說瞎話! 的確我有朋友年薪6-7萬. 他們甚至5萬多也拿過. 可拿8萬, 9萬, 10萬以上的也大有人在. 紐約, 波士頓工資是高, 可你對那裏的房價也略知一二吧. 你知道矽穀平均年薪有多少, Texas平均年薪多少; Florida, Illinois 等等平均年薪又有多少! 他們的工資水平要麽底於加拿大, 要麽沒有質的區別. 難道那裏不是美國嗎, 難道你還需要我給你舉更多的例子嗎!

如果你才來, 我勸你不要被表麵現象迷惑. 竟然有人說中國的基礎設施比加拿大好. 你恐怕從來連車都沒開過吧. 要不然對基礎設施之一的交通怎會一無所知, 要不然怎麽會講這樣的傻話呢! 更不談汙染, 豆腐渣工程, 過路過橋費! 中國一般老百姓有幾人有錢有心周末開車幾百公裏去賞景遊玩呢!

再回那些認為加拿大跟在美國後麵的人. 首先, 要肯定, 兩國都是自由民主的資本主義國家, 絕大多數利益是一致的. 許多決策當然一致. 另外, 加拿大因為對太空武器化存有顧慮, 對美國提出的導彈防禦體係說不. 加拿大感覺缺乏證據, 更沒有參與入侵伊拉克. 你說出這樣的話, 不是在扇自己的嘴巴嗎!

那個說他沒有得到ALBERTA OIL SAND好處的, 你有沒有想過, 你為什麽不用付ONTARIO居民要付的PST! 為什麽省政府可以補貼老百姓汽油, DAYCARE等項目? 為什麽你的房加呼呼上漲. 大概能有這樣件第的LOSER還在觀望吧!

如果你真的是在加拿大, 多問問你周圍的成功人士, 多問問你在美國的朋友. 更是要多看報. 別把自己限製在中文的環境裏. 全麵了解對你的成功才有益.

加拿大也好, 美國也好, 都還有很多需要改進的地方. 加拿大不是天堂. 但加拿大大概是人類最優化的社會之一. 隻有懶漢, 庸才才會一味指責別人! 才會責怪天上為什麽不掉餡餅. 如果都你不是, 對不起, 那你一定是躲在一個陰暗角落放冷箭的小人.

那些以為加拿大連中國都不如的人, 我很佩服你的自豪感. 本人也是華人. 但衡量一個社會成功與否的重要標準之一是看你如何把自己的弱勢群體扶起來. 中國勉強讓一部分人先富起來了. 她還有很長的路去走. 如果你是在中國, 請你相信, 世界人民都希望中國人富裕, 中國環境優美, 中國成為地球上負責認的一員. 這也符合世界人民的利益. 如果你還以為世界人民都想與你為敵, 而促使你攻擊海外華人, 攻擊你的友國, 受傷害的最終將是你自己.


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閱讀 ()評論 (21)
hucheshaya 回複 悄悄話 We can only imagine how despicable and pathetic those people like heroes3lover are...whoever he is speaking for...

涑水河 回複 悄悄話 加拿大和美國各有其特點,加拿大更溫和一些,更多一些人情味。不過,不是所有的人都知道。尤其是剛從國內來的朋友,中國和加拿大有天壤之別,也不能指望他們在一夜之間認清這個世界。不必大動肝火。支持!
heroes3lover 回複 悄悄話 整天在吹噓自己的收容所
who care
喝白開水健康 回複 悄悄話 讀你文章了,支持你的觀點。我在ALBERTA,從大陸出來的基本都安居樂業。喜歡這兒的單純,安全,方便。隻要付出就有收獲的環境。
hucheshaya 回複 悄悄話 avalong,

即便按照你說的情況來比較, 加拿大兩個人的 TAX-FREE CREDIT 也將近17000(估計). 這一CREDIT還根據通貨膨脹因素在不斷上調. 而且各省政府都對DEPENDENT有稅收減免措施. 聯邦政府每月還發放至少$100/每小孩的牛奶金. 低收入家庭可以拿到更多.當然在美國, 房屋貸款利率還可以抵稅. 其他的401K和加拿大的RRSP差不多. 教育基金也類似.

你說的15%在安大略已經是14%. ALBERTA現在隻有6%. 而且即便是ONTARIO, 食品是沒有稅的, 無論是進口的還是國產. 美國一般購物也有5-9%的稅. 而且旅館,租車在很多地方都要征收將近20%的稅. 地稅在美國有些COUNTY更是高達3%. 比如說, 20萬的房子, 每年要交$6,000的地稅. 這還不安包括教育稅.

即便你有最好的保險, 生一個孩子在美國要花$2000. 加拿大全部免費, 產假還可以休一年, 工資由政府發. 相信你也知道美國的醫療費用有多高. 即便公司給你提供保險, 仍然要付甚至高達$400/月的保費, 雖然這一點因家庭因公司而異. 加拿大人一住進醫院, 一切費用都由政府負擔. Someone is got to pick up the bill. 加拿大人見醫生, 體檢都是免費的. 而在美國, 再好的保險, 病人仍需付相當一部分. 另一個問題是, 並不是每家都有六口人.

對老年人來將, 加拿大更是好得多. 一個持"金卡"的老人, 每半年就得重新續卡. 更不要說病人看病要等得時間. 遺憾的是, 你我都有老的那一天.

讓人不解的是, 在美國員工的工資中仍有一項是MEDICAL CARE 稅.

再談美國的Social Security係統. 因為你的稅前收入的7.5%被扣. 如果是Self-employed, 你的收入的15%無條件要交給Social Security. 其他的稅再說. 然而, Social Security卻瀕臨破產. 從Allen Greenspan到Bush總統, 一次次的大聲疾呼可見問題的嚴重性. Baby-Boomer一代的退休將使問題變得更複雜. 這也許是所有人一生中的一筆投資. 雖然加拿大也麵臨Baby-Boomer們退休的挑戰, CPP (Canada Pension Plan)的工作要做得好得多.

你還可以看看美國軍費的開支, 加上其他原因, 就能理解為什麽美國無力顧及自己的百姓. 這些原因, 以及其他所述, 才是我一直說加拿大的老百姓過著更無憂無慮, 跟安全更有保障的生活. 也是為什麽加拿大比美國更適宜居住.

這一切, 並不是說美國就真得怎麽樣了. 希望民主黨在這次能重新在CONGRESS拿回多數. 我想對老百姓要好得多. 美國畢竟有很多很聰明的人. 僅僅聽聽Barack Obama (Senator of Illinois)的演講, 就覺得美國充滿希望. 美國仍然是世界最好的警察.

另外, 我實際上很讚同美國軍費開支的比例. 實際上是加拿大的軍費開支太少了. 很高興加拿大正在改進. 美國當然有很多做得很好, 很有效的地方. 要對加拿大和美國進行比較, 實在是很難. 我們很幸運能生活在這兩個偉大的國家. 也許扯遠了, 請你原諒.

點點星光 回複 悄悄話 從一份研究報道發現,中國新移民平均化10到12年達到加拿大平均公民收入。真希望現在還在奮鬥的兄弟姐妹能挺住。在科學界,清貧10年鑽研一個重要課題的比比皆是。
avalong 回複 悄悄話 文章寫的不錯。 有一點希望你可以了解。

我在美國,加拿大都交過稅。美國和加拿大的稅率其實差不多,但是美國有很多可以抵稅的項目,而加拿大卻很少。 所以實際上加拿大的稅是很重的。

比如在美國每個人都有抵稅額,包括小孩,來訪問的你父母親。假設你賺5萬,兩個小孩,每個人可以抵稅3000,全家就是6個3000,1萬八可以抵稅。而在加拿大,你隻可以抵稅兩個人,而且是抵稅還要來一個15%。 一句話,如果是高工資的話,根本無法抵稅,隻有等死。

hucheshaya 回複 悄悄話 Tango,

After you said something you want to say, you don't want to give the other people chance to reply, no speaking of argueing.

Can anyone be more arrogant than that? That being the case, you post is deleted.

點點星光 回複 悄悄話 那些感覺加拿大不象仙境的,可能沒到過加拿大的東部和西部。我在美國和加拿大東西中部都去過,用仙境描述加拿大的許多地方一點不過分。不過一個國家再好,如果你還在底層掙紮,是無法感受到的。我欣賞hucheshaya文章的氣魄,真正的加拿大是令人自豪和驕傲的! 美國屬陽,生龍活虎,弱肉強食;加拿大屬陰,博愛溫柔,資源宏大;中國呢,陰陽兼備,各有一些:)
hucheshaya 回複 悄悄話 Tango,

I give you a lot of credit for admiting that you missed that critical piece of information about Canada's role on war on terrorism

I appreciate that you are not saying/judging me not to read the news any more

I'm confused who is more "judgemental" here. I understand that you speak for "any one", while I'm only speaking for my conscience when Canada, which I consider myself a proud part of, is put into such an unfavourable way by her own people. And those are the people that won't hesitate for a single second to exhaust all they can to milk the system.

I'm glad that you mentioned that it takes time. That's exactly the point I've been trying to make. It also takes patience and persistence. I can only hope this is well understood.

Let's also talk about some "racism, cultural discrimination =hostility". Have you personally experienced any? I had some too. I totally understand that does exist. Canada is not perfect! But it's one of the best of the world. And that's why we need keep working on it. We shouldn't think we are here just to enjoy. We got work to do. On the other hand, is the issue becoming such a factor to stop you from being successful? Come on Tango! Give me a break.

tango123 回複 悄悄話 Re:Hucheshaya
1. Why don't you read the news to learn the fact that Canada even didn't send a single RCMP officer to Iraq to train the Iraqis. Canada is only in Afgannistan.
ok, I took Iraq for Afgannistan.
2. That's right everyone's life has lots of ups and downs. But he/she becomes a loser if he/she blames a country that he/she volunarily immigrated to for his/her failure.

Even though they immigrated to Canada of their own volition, it is still reasonable for them to blame Canada because there are things to blame here such as racism, cultural discrimination =hostility may have more passive impact on the newcomers. It is also reasonble for them to do so because of the expectations induced by Canada itself. I also think that they must have already blamed themselves a thousand times.
Maybe you are doing ok here but that doesn't mean you are brighter and nicer than those people,. neither do u have the right to call other people losers. Even though they go back to china someday, which still doesn't mean they are losers,cus they just take other direction which may be better for them.
What i mean here is to be more understanding and tolerant, less judgemental.

3. I'm only defending Canada when she has been so distorted by the Chinese community and when she has been so wrongfully judged by so many that knows so little about Canada. I'm not judging or pre-judging anyone's life, even though I wish them all the best anywhere in the world, including Canada.

You have been judgemental, any one can tell when he/she reads your article. I venture to say that you might have not been through any real ups and downs, otherwise you will know that when people feel down or are depressed, they tend to take in the dark side more than the bright side.
To me, it is not distortion either, I would rather think that those are just not- well- balanced point of views--they seems to put more emphasis on one side of the coin, and ignore the other side, but the important thing is both sides are equal real and equal true.
Be understanding and give people more time, they will learn to enjoy the beauty and cozy life in this country.
By the way, losers are those people who give up, but I often find those people still working very hard to get out, I don't think they could be classified as losers.

No hard feeling.   
hucheshaya 回複 悄悄話 RE Tango123:

1. Why don't you read the news to learn the fact that Canada even didn't send a single RCMP officer to Iraq to train the Iraqis. Canada is only in Afgannistan.

2. That's right everyone's life has lots of ups and downs. But he/she becomes a loser if he/she blames a country that he/she volunarily immigrated to for his/her failure.

3. I'm only defending Canada when she has been so distorted by the Chinese community and when she has been so wrongfully judged by so many that knows so little about Canada. I'm not judging or pre-judging anyone's life, even though I wish them all the best anywhere in the world, including Canada.

tango123 回複 悄悄話 更沒有參與入侵伊拉克?
Are you sure? Did u read the news?Canada sent troops to Iraq in the name of peace keeping, but what they do is just like the americans.
加拿大的工資真是那麽底, 還是你的水平差, 還是你們昧著良心說瞎話?!
Ha, i know that you don't read news, according to statistics the average annual income of chinese immigrants is less than $20000.
Everyone's life has its up-and-downs, which doesn't mean that they are losers when they are down. It may take some people longer to acculturate.And how do you define losers, more money means more successful? I can see where you are going to.以金錢衡量成功和失敗?你太好玩了.

Life is complex, you should learn to be more understanding not so judgemental.Besides, next time when you have to pass such judgement to other people, try to make it reasonable, i mean on firm ground.

亂嚼舌頭 回複 悄悄話 把一個又冷又冰的國家說得像個仙境,其他在加拿大住了幾輩子的中國人,也沒有像你這樣領悟。你可真是個SOMETHING。
楊子 回複 悄悄話 "衡量一個社會成功與否的重要標準之一是看你如何把自己的弱勢群體扶起來"。 真是寫到點子上了。

oldgoods 回複 悄悄話 canada is not bad, but is not the best