2025 (1)
我大概一年前從沃爾瑪花$60多買了個 Garmin NV1100 終身免費地圖升級。用的一直不錯。在計算機上裝 Garmin Express, 連上USB線就能在線升級地圖,考慮到一次地圖升級所需的費用,終身免費地圖升級絕對是物有所值。
不想周末要用時發現沒法用了,給的錯誤信息是地圖無法確認(map can not be authenticated).
萬能的古狗有好幾條建議,硬啟動(hard reset), 重裝地圖,換USB插口,換USB連接線等等。折騰了一個晚上,重裝地圖5次,甚至還重裝了升級用的軟件(Garmin Express),不幸還是同樣的錯誤信息。
到 Garmin 的網站給客戶服務發電郵,匯報問題。如果他們認為是無法修複的,就會發一個保修號碼,憑那個號碼就可以寄回有問題的產品,並得到替換的產品。
過了兩天,客戶服務回了電郵。他們很肯定是升級用軟件(Garmin Express)的更新問題。這個軟件必需要先把以前裝的版本卸載,然後再裝新的版本。我之前想到過這一點,但我沒有“先”卸載“再”重裝。下邊是客戶服務回複的電郵原件:
Dear Mr. XXX,
Thank you for contacting Garmin International.
I'm happy to help you with this. There was an update to the Express program this passed Wednesday. If you installed Express for the very first time before Wednesday, then we will need to uninstall Express to correct the issue. Please uninstall the Garmin Express program from the computer completely. This needs to be done before reinstalling the maps.
After uninstalling Express, please reinstall the program, then reinstall the maps.
At this point, you should be able to reinstall the maps without getting this error message on the device.
If you need anything more, please reply.
With Best Regards,
Additional solutions may be found at http://www.garmin.com/garmin/cms/site/us/support/searchsupport