  • 博客訪問:

Mazzy Star

(2008-03-21 20:07:50) 下一個

Into Dust

Still falling
Breathless and on again
Inside today
Beside me today
A round broken in two
'til your eyes shed into dust
Like two strangers turning into dust
'til my hand shook the way I fear

I could possibly be fading
Or have something more to gain
I could feel myself growing colder
I could feel myself under your face
Under...your face

It was you
breathless and tall
I could feel my eyes turning into dust
And two strangers turning into dust
Turning into dust.

Flowers in December

Fade into you

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葳蕤 回複 悄悄話 回西北角大蝦,
俺想不出這Mazzy Star能配著麵條下汗呢。:D
住在西北角 回複 悄悄話 Wei老師,我吃著麵條聽著Mazzy Star,那個汗流得滿地都是!好好聽也!"So Tonight That I Might See"與"Among My Swan"兩張算是勾起我久遠而悶騷的回憶鳥.後來Hope Sandoval 單飛出過一張"Bavarian Fruit Bread",睡不著覺之佳品,牛阿!