(2008-01-26 17:00:24)
whenever you are in a hard situation, just dun be trapped at the minute. You're gonna have to look at it in a larger time scale, like put it in 10 years and see what the impact is, how much it will hurt your life on average, in the 10 years. It'll be just trivial. You may not even be able to recall it in 10 years.
討厭的臭X, 又是從星期五晚上開始, 所有的電話都轉到留言信箱, 是不是結婚之後也會莫名其妙地失蹤????????
愛就是愛,如果是那個人,即使方法途徑不對,也隻能愛. 生氣中....................