
穆沙拉夫總統稱對我國殲十戰機很感興趣 zt

(2006-08-22 16:25:42) 下一個
鼎盛軍事 錄入時間:2006-2-28 來源:中華網 轉載巴基斯坦最大報業集團的報道   http://www.dawn.com/2006/02/24/welcome.htm   February 24, 2006 Friday Muharram 25, 1427   President describes China visit ‘very important‘, to boost multi-faceted ties Feb 24 (APP): President General Pervez Musharraf Thursday described his visit to China as very important and said his ‘substantive and positive‘ interaction with the Chinese leadership would boost ties in political, economic and defence fields. "The visit is very important in terms of timings and substance in the wake of changing strategic situation in the world," he told reporters while flying back home after a five-day state visit to China. Musharraf said he had substantive interaction with the Chinese leadership that covered all areas including political, economic, diplomatic, defence, continuing cooperation in the peaceful use of nuclear energy, and regional and international issues. "There was a complete understanding on all issues we discussed and there has been a very positive response," he said while referring to his one-on-one meeting with President Hu Jintao. Responding to a question, the President said that Pakistan and China had always been collaborating in the defence field. "Defence relations have been the bedrock of Sino-Pak relations." China, he added, had been giving a lot of transfer of technology "because of which collaboration has been going on for decades". The President said the Chinese government also showed their hi-tech F-10 that is comparable with any modern aircraft. ‘We are very favourably disposed toward this aircraft," he added. Answering another question he said Chinese investors have shown interest in various sectors including automobile, energy, textile etc. adding that in the automobile sector, several world renowned companies were heading to Pakistan in a big way. Referring to the cartoon controversy the President rejected the excuse of freedom of press for the publication of these blasphemous images which, he added, would encourage notion of clash of civilizations. "It has taken the freedom of press to its worst limit," he added. About the unresolved political disputes including Palestine and Kashmir, he said these were the root cause of extremism and terrorism and must be addressed. (Posted @ 10:10 PST)   from the daily dawn news update section. It is likely that this is the second 4th gen fighter which has been alluded to many times by the air chief. F-16s seem to be definite....the deal was about to be notified to the Congress before the earthquake struck . J-10 (or should we start calling it F-10 now) was there at that time also....it was not the case that it was not available then but is available now. It is public knowledge that PAF evaluated this aircraft sometime back. The interesting part is going to be the engine, avionics and weapons.   譯文:   總統稱中國之行非常重要,會加強多方麵的聯係   2月24日 巴基斯坦聯合通訊社   佩爾韋茲。穆沙拉夫總統周二表示,他此次訪問中國非常重要,並說,他與中國領導人實質性的直接接觸會加強雙方在政治經濟以及國防領域的緊密聯係。   在中國五天訪問後,總統在回國的飛機上對記者說,此次訪問非常重要,此次訪問在時機上和實質上非常重要,隨之而來會改變世界的戰略格局。   穆沙拉夫說,他與中國領導人進行了實質性會談,會談內容涉及諸多領域,包括政治,經濟,外交,國防。雙方就和平利用能源進行進一步合作,對地區和國際問題交換了看法。   當提到他與中國國家主席胡錦濤的會麵時,穆沙拉夫說:我們所討論的問題都得到對方完全理解,並得到正麵答複。   在回答提問時,穆沙拉夫總統回答說,中巴在過去就防衛領域有著久遠的合作,國防關係是中巴關係的基石,在過去數十年的合作中,中國對巴方提供了大量技術轉讓。   總統說中國政府展示了他們高科技的F-10戰機,此種飛機可與任何一種現代戰機相媲美“我們對此飛機很感興趣”.   在回答另一個問題時他說,中國投資者們對諸多領域表現出濃厚興趣,包括汽車,能源,紡織業等,他補充說,在汽車領域而言,數家世界著名企業正在巴基斯坦聚齊共謀大事。   對於有爭議的政治卡通事件,總統拒絕接受所謂新聞出版自由的解釋,那些褻瀆真主的圖畫會加劇文明之間的衝突,會把新聞自由引向最壞的限度。對玄而未決的巴基斯坦以及克什米爾政治爭端,他說,這些是恐怖主義的和極端主義的根源,必須加以說明。   (早間新聞增加部分)   盡管這位前戰機機長曾提到過數次戰鬥機,似乎這是他第二次提到第四代戰鬥機,   F-16看起來已經確信無疑,這筆生意本該在地震之前正式通知國會。   J10(或許此時我們應該開始稱其為F10)此時也在議程之中,這件原本無意義的事情此時變得有利用價值。眾所周知此前巴基斯坦空軍評估過這種飛機,其發動機部分,航空電子控製係統以及配載武器都將是很有趣的部分。
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