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       朋友的女兒畢業於哈佛,被一家頂級的谘詢公司錄用。她沒有直接跨入這個令無數年輕人向往的公司大門,而是推遲兩年參加工作,為的是要成為一名支教誌願者。她被分配到密蘇裏州的一個貧困地區,和幾個月前警察和黑人之間發生暴力衝突的地方隔城相望。生長在良好家境裏的她,絕沒想到在美國的土地上還有這麽貧窮落後的地方、還有這麽缺乏教育的學生。在食不裹腹,住無定處的情況下,學生學習的注意力很難集中。教書難,交心更難。她哭泣過,抑鬱過,迷茫過,失望過,但是沒有退縮過。她說:“我不能放棄我的孩子們!” 可她自己還是一個剛大學畢業的學生 、父母眼中嬌嫩的孩子。她用自己的生活津貼買來點心給學生充饑,用自己的智慧和愛心給學生補充精神食糧。



-Santa Lucia 08/10/2015

Salute to the self-reliance of the cactus

In the desert, there is a class of plants called “cactus”. No matter they are high or low, nor their shapes, but they all have one thing in common: They are resistant to hot, cold, drought and barren. Today, I bought a pot of flora cactus, the gardener made a specific note: "Water only once a month!” This kind of plant, ask so little from outside world. It can self-sustain, and always quietly improve itself. It is really like a friend's daughter!

My friend's daughter graduated from Boston Latin School, then Harvard University. She was hired by a top consulting firm. However, she did not immediately step into the door of this company as so many young people aspired. She deferred two-years and joined “Teach America” become a volunteer.

She was assigned to a poverty-stricken area in Missouri, in the city whom can hear the gunshots from Fergus where the violence occur every day. Grew-up in a well-established family, she never thought of the land in United States, there could be a place with so many poor kids, so many students lacking of education. In the case of starving, or no fixed place to live, the students' attention were short and hard to focus. Teaching was difficult, the communication was tougher. She wept, depressed, confused, disappointed, but did not back off. She said: "I cannot give up my children!" But she, herself is just a recent college graduate, and in her parents’ eye, she is still a delicate child. She used her own subsistence to buy snacks to fill the empty stomach of her students. She used her wisdom and love to fill their soul.

Two years of “Teach America” commitment is finally over. She brought back a mature and stronger herself. To my surprise, she also brought back a Master's degree! Under such harsh teaching situation and living environment, and under a depressed psychological condition, she had been able to take advantage of weekends and evenings to study and study.  She completed all the requirements and got a master's degree! At the same time that she was giving the knowledge to others, she had broaden her intellectual property scope and improved her own quality. What a perseverance?

I was moved. With my deepest admiration, I believe, this young lady can be a strong pillar in her society, as well as in her future profession.

Tribute to my heroic young lady! Salute to the self-reliance of the cactus!

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