
<<The Journey to College>> as a fund raiser for Eart

(2008-05-23 21:31:52) 下一個

Dear Readers,

Five years ago, I wrote an article named << The Journey to College>>. There is some useful information about home education to children’s success and preparation to college. It was published in 《世界周刊》 5/18/2003. I received positive feedback from friends and readers whom I didn’t know. In the past years, I have given this article to many friends for free hoping it may be helpful. This time I plan to sell it at $5/copy to raise fund to help the Sichuan Earthquake relief efforts.

I have sold 20 copies so far. The amount of money is small. But  I feel proud that I found an unique way to show my care to the earthquake affected people. If you would like to get a copy, please let me know by email at luhuang38@gmail.com.

I have some personal attachment to Wenchuan. Wenchuan County is where Chinese National Panda Research Center and Conservation Land located. My husband was there in a summer to do panda field Research. I was there twice. Once was for my college internship and once was to lead my 80 students to their field study. Many mountains in Wenchuan have never been touched. The small, sweet bamboos are in the conditional regions. They are some of the reasons the living fossil Pandas can survive. Wenchuan is one of the most beautiful places on earth. I still remember the breath taken feeling being surrounded by a whole mountain full of flowers. The flowers are so bright- the fluorescence shine from the flowers made our faces glow. I have never seen the flowers that bright in any where else.

I wonder how the pandas are doing after the disaster. There are still many villages where information is not available. One of my relatives told me today that some survivors from Beichuan said, a village was buried by two mountains merged together in front of their own eyes. Thirteen lakes formed after the earthquake. These lakes could potentially break and cause more disasters. The roads leading to the center of earthquake is still blocked by huge rocks. Now some of those areas are approached by army on foot and from sky... The earthquake survivors and the rescuers urgently need food, water, medicine and supplies…

My heart goes out to people in Wenchuan, Sichuan and other affected areas, and to the pandas. Please support the relief efforts in any way you can.












一. 利用公立學校資源 , 開發子女知識智能

二. 鼓勵子女全麵發展

三. 重視讀書和寫作

四. 尊重子女誌願,適時把關指點

五. 給孩子一些自由呼吸的空間

六. 申報大學的幾個技術性問題

七. 高考之後的幾個要點

By SantaLucia

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