

(2007-10-13 18:48:16) 下一個

Al Gore and UN panel won this year's Noble Peace Price.




For the effort on Global Warming and Climate Change, Al Gore and UN panel won this year's Noble Peace Price. This shows the importance of this issue. Based on the comment from a Noble prince committee member, the Global Warming and Climate Change become a serious peace issue because more and more countries are fighting for limited nature resources. So the international effort for problem solving becomes urgent.

If you have not watch the Oscar winning documentary film-An Inconvenient Truth, it is strongly recommended.

My husband’s work place is only 5 minute away from mine. We were driving two cars to work because we felt difficult to compromise each other’s schedule. We have been doing that for 3 years until seeing the movie. The information presented in the film is striking. The next morning after watching the film, my husband invited me to car-pool! We have being doing that ever since. We also leave our new SUV in the garage and use it only absolutely needed.

My husband used to tease me "recycling nut, environmentalist". Now he is recycling too. We understand the impact on environment from each individual that is small, but if every individual do our own part to protect environment, the impact will be big.

Global Warming / Climate Change is perhaps the greatest fraud ever perpetrated on the public. (Ken Hughes)

There are several actions we can take to protect the environment:

At work, we can:
Close the fume hoods and bio-safety cabinets before leave.
Turn off the heat block and water bath when they are not in use.
Turn off lights and lamps when leaving a room or desk.
Use energy saving screen. Shut down the computer at the end of the day.
Reduce the usage of material (water, reagents, plastic, etc.)
Read articles on-line, If printing is necessary, print on both side.
Recycle paper, plastic, and batteries.
Carpool to work if possible.

At home we can:
Install a programmable thermostat. In the winter turn down the thermostat as low as tolerable.
Install compact fluorescent light bulbs that use less energy.
Buy energy efficient appliances such as "Energy Star" approved products.
Wash clothes in full loads and use cold water.
Turn lights off when leaving a room.
Shut down the computer at night.
Stop air leaks around windows and doors with caulk or weather stripping.
Reduce the usage of material (water, plastic, etc.)
Recycle paper, plastic, and batteries.
Carpool to social activates. Many more.....

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